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Game Music


We don't have a music thread yet. I know there's not much planned for Osirion in the way of music that much, but I just thought I'd throw some ideas out there.

There's two songs from an old Apogee game (Terminal Velocity) in particular that seem to have themes and influences that would fit the Osirion universe. What do you think?

In addition, the Homeworld music (yah yah, I know, most of you haven't played it) also has similar influences to the first song. A few other games I can think of would be Mech Warriors 2: Mercenaries and Shogo: Mobile Armor Division. I know the latter has some of its soundtrack available free in mp3 form--I'll dig them up when I go to the college.

Possible type of music to play during a Tsu-Khan encounter:


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