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AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-10-19Updated a bunch of ships to have engine particles.Evan Goers
2012-12-01Fixed oldlancer/lancer cannons.Evan Goers
2012-12-01Moved location_cannons on lancer to lancer_cannon submodel.Evan Goers
2012-11-25Updated some Colonial ships.Evan Goers
2012-01-21Fixed some models that used textures that are now decals.Evan Goers
2012-01-21Various details.Evan Goers
2012-01-13Fixed engines.Evan Goers
2012-01-13Merged engine_trail and engine_exhaust.Evan Goers
2012-01-13New "Lancer mkI" model.Evan Goers