; ; ships.ini ; these are the ships that can be purchased with the 'buy' command ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; MERCHANT ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] ; identification label label=vector ; name of the ship model name=Micron Vector ; name of the .map file model=merchant/vector ; engine acceleration acceleration=1.5 ; maximum speed in game units per second maxspeed=3.0 ; rotation speed in degrees per second turnspeed=45 ; dealer price price=12500 ; cargo hold size, 10 is one metric tonne cargo=50 ; ship info ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| (no letters below the bar) info=Micron Corporation's entry-level model info=has been a hit sale for many decades. info=Despite the moderate size of its cargo info=hold, this ship offers a fast and info=reliable means of transport, capable info=of outrunning many larger ships. [ship] label=tensor name=Micron Tensor model=merchant/tensor acceleration=1.25 maxspeed=2.9 turnspeed=35 price=30000 cargo=100 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The unprecedented success of the Vector info=had stimulated the market for cheap info=transport vessels and prompted Micron info=Corporations to develop the larger info=Tensor, with an increased cargo hold at info=the cost of speed and manouverability. [ship] label=matrix name=Micron Matrix model=merchant/matrix acceleration=1.0 maxspeed=2.8 turnspeed=30 jumpdrive=yes price=50000 cargo=150 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; MERCENARY ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] label=pod name=P.O.D. model=mercenary/pod acceleration=2.5 maxspeed=3.6 turnspeed=60 cargo=5 price=17500 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=TODO [ship] label=archer name=Archer model=mercenary/archer acceleration=2.4 maxspeed=3.7 turnspeed=60 cargo=6 price=19000 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=TODO ;[ship] ;label=enforcer ;name=Enforcer ;model=mercenary/enforcer ;acceleration=2.3 ;maxspeed=3.5 ;turnspeed=55 ;cargo=40 ;price=27000 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| ;info=TODO [ship] label=talon name=Talon model=mercenary/talon acceleration=2.6 maxspeed=3.8 turnspeed=55 cargo=3 price=24000 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=TODO ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; COLONIAL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] label=custodian name=Custodian model=colonial/custodian acceleration=0.6 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=20 jumpdrive=yes [ship] label=sharkan name=Sharkan model=colonial/sharkan acceleration=2 maxspeed=4.0 turnspeed=80 cargo=2.5 price=10000 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=This military scoutship's lack of info=firepower is compensated by its info=phenomenal speed and manouverability. info=The Sharkan is the fastest ship known info=to exist, which makes it an excellent info=choice for hit and run operations. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; INDEPENDENT ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] label=betelgeuse name=Betelgeuse model=independent/betelgeuse acceleration=0.5 maxspeed=2.25 turnspeed=5 jumpdrive=yes [ship] label=horizon name=Horizon model=independent/horizon acceleration=1.5 maxspeed=3.0 turnspeed=35 [ship] label=orion name=Orion model=independent/orion acceleration=1.5 maxspeed=3.5 turnspeed=30 [ship] label=bumblebee name=Bumblebee model=independent/bumblebee acceleration=1.5 maxspeed=3.5 turnspeed=30 [ship] label=jupiter name=Jupiter model=independent/jupiter acceleration=1.5 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=10 [ship] label=avenger name=Avenger model=independent/avenger acceleration=2 maxspeed=3 turnspeed=40 [ship] label=shootingstar name=Shooting Star model=independent/shootingstar acceleration=1.8 maxspeed=3 turnspeed=30 [ship] label=galaxy name=Galaxy model=independent/galaxy acceleration=0.75 maxspeed=2.0 turnspeed=15 jumpdrive=yes ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; LINDBLADE ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] label=avatar name=Avatar model=lindblade/avatar acceleration=1.2 maxspeed=3.25 turnspeed=20 jumpdrive=yes [ship] label=supertanker name=Supertanker model=lindblade/supertanker acceleration=0.5 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=20 jumpdrive=yes [ship] label=halcyon name=Halcyon model=lindblade/halcyon acceleration=0.6 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=20 jumpdrive=yes info=^1CLASSIFIED^N info= info=You are not authorized access to intel info=regarding this ship. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; TSU-KHAN ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] label=heavycruiser name=Heavy Cruiser model=tsukhan/heavycruiser acceleration=0.65 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=2.5 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=^1CLASSIFIED^N info= info=You are not authorized access to intel info=regarding this ship. [ship] label=scout name=Scout model=tsukhan/scout acceleration=1.5 maxspeed=3.7 turnspeed=60 jumpdrive=no ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The 'Pestilence' Scout fighter was info=designed to be cheap, and have a info=powerful engine to push it through space info=faster than any of its competition. info= info=During the Kuu-Saar civil war, many info=who piloted scouts were ordered to info=kamikaze into enemy capital ships. Since info=they were so cheap to build, they often info=played the role as inexpensive guided info=torpedoes. Many Scouts carried a single info=torpedo in the tiny cargo bays, and were info=used as last ditch efforts to destroy info=important hard-to-kill capital ships. [ship] label=interceptor name=Interceptor model=tsukhan/interceptor acceleration=1.2 maxspeed=3.5 turnspeed=50 jumpdrive=no ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The 'Inquisitor' Interceptor is the main info=strike fighter of the Tsu-Khan navy. It info=has been in use since the Kuu-Saar civil info=war and won many key battles for the info=Tsu-Khan empire. info= info=An experimental Interceptor fighter was info=outfitted with a jump drive after the info=Bringers of Great Knowledge disappeared. info=The design was too costly to be viable info=and the project was canned in favor of info=the Carrier. [ship] label=destroyer name=Destroyer model=tsukhan/destroyer acceleration=0.5 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=40 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The 'Defiant'-class Tsu-Khan Destroyer info=is a recent design with the hopes of info=getting the best of both worlds from info=frigates and capital ships. It has an info=exceptional turn rate of a frigate, with info=the beam cannon of a capital ship. [ship] label=carrier name=Carrier model=tsukhan/carrier acceleration=1.1 maxspeed=2.6 turnspeed=20 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=Anticipating a war with an alien race on info=the horizon, Tsu-Khan engineers designed info=the Carrier to transport and repair many info=different sizes of ship, ranging from info=fighter to frigate. It can carry the info=most ships out of all of the Tsu-Khan info=capital ships in the fleet. Its primary info=use is to give fighters jump capability. info=A carrier can jump to any star system info=and deploy fighters to key battles, as info=well as repair damaged fighters. [ship] label=freighter name=Freighter model=tsukhan/freighter acceleration=1 maxspeed=2.7 turnspeed=30 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The Tsu-Khan freighter is the main work- info=horse of the fleet and is used mainly to info=transfer slaves and prisoners, as well info=as food to distant Tsu-Khan occupied info=star systems. info= info=The original freighters were used to info=transport the remaining Tsu-Khan info=population to their new home around the info=moon. [ship] label=bomber name=Bomber model=tsukhan/bomber acceleration=1 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=30 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The Tsu-Khan 'Obliterator' Bomber is info=most effective against frigates and info=other large slow-moving ships. It has a info=large torpedo bank for repeated bombing info=of vulnerable ships. info= info=The 'Obliterator' Bomber was used on the info=remaining opposition on Kiana Prime info=during the Tsu-Khan Exodus. [ship] label=ravager name=Ravager model=tsukhan/ravager turnspeed=25 maxspeed=2.25 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The Ravager is the main heavy assault info=ship of the Tsu-Khan fleet. info= info=It is based upon the original heavy info=cruiser design that was used to win the info=Kuu-Saar 500-year civil war. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; PIRATES ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] label=raider name=Raider model=pirate/raider acceleration=2.5 maxspeed=3.5 turnspeed=60 jumpdrive=no cargo=5 price=12500 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The Raider is the main strike fighter of info=various pirate factions. It is cheap to info=build and effective in combat versus info=lightly defended trade convoys. Many info=pirate factions cover the surfaces of info=their Raiders with spikes for more info=effective ramming and boarding of ships. [ship] label=juggernaut name=Juggernaut model=pirate/juggernaut acceleration=0.5 maxspeed=2.5 turnspeed=20 jumpdrive=yes price=1500000 cargo=1500 ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=The pirate Juggernaut is a flying info=fortress designed to serve as support info=carrier during raids on large ships info=and small space stations. The Juggernaut info=has a lower turning speed compared to info=other capital ships. However, it has the info=largest array of guns, allowing for a info=deadly assault when in position. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; NO FACTION(yet) or DERELICT ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; [ship] label=hades name=Hades model=derelict/hades acceleration=0.45 maxspeed=2.75 turnspeed=10 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=^1CLASSIFIED^N info= info=You are not authorized access to intel info=regarding this ship. [ship] label=ares name=Ares model=derelict/ares acceleration=0.50 maxspeed=2.70 turnspeed=10 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=^1CLASSIFIED^N info= info=You are not authorized access to intel info=regarding this ship. ; ; Test ship - model does not exist [ship] label=unknown name=Unknown model=unknown turnspeed=75 maxspeed=3 jumpdrive=yes ; ---- maximal width ------------------------| info=This ship is intended to test engine info=behaviour on ships without model.