; ; ui.ini ; client user interface configuration ; [ui] ; width of a menu element elementwidth=256 ; height of a menu element elementheight=32 ; margin between menu elements elementmargin=16 [colors] ; global foreground color rgb foreground=1 1 1 ; global highlight color rgb highlight=1 1 .5 ; global text color text=0.75 0.75 0.75 ; disabled ui elements disabled=0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 ; global background color rgba background=0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 ; global border color rgb //border=0 0.8 0 0.5 border=.4 .4 .4 .5 ; pointer color pointer=0 0.75 0 ; active pointer color active=0 1 0 ; debug color debug=0.5 0.5 0.5 [hud] ; mission target color mission=1.0 0.5 1.0 [text] ; bold text color bold=1 1 1 ; set fancy color fancy=0 1 0 ; warning text color warning=1 1 0 ; error text color error=1 0 0 ; ; main menu ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ [menu] label=main ; background bitmap background=bitmaps/banner [label] text=Main Menu [button] text=New Game command=connect [button] text=Multiplayer command=connect osirion.org [button] text=Options command=menu options [button] text=Quit command=quit ; ; options menu ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ [menu] label=options background=bitmaps/banner [label] text=Options [button] text=Toggle fullscreen command=toggle r_fullscreen align=left [button] text=Toggle grid command=toggle r_grid align=left [button] text=Toggle keypress command=toggle draw_keypress align=left [button] text=Toggle stats command=toggle draw_stats align=left [button] text=Toggle wireframe command=toggle r_wireframe align=left [button] text=Return command=menu previous align=center ; ; game menu ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ [menu] label=game background=bitmaps/banner [label] text=Main Menu [button] text=Options command=menu options [button] text=Disconnect command=disconnect [button] text=Quit command=quit [button] text=Return command=menu hide ; ; join menu ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ [menu] label=join background=bitmaps/banner [label] text=Project::OSiRiON [button] text=Join ; note: we use comma as command seperator in .ini files. command=join, menu hide [button] text=Disconnect command=disconnect [button] text=Main menu command=menu game