; world.ini ; describes the entities in the game world ; ; Note: the .ini parser isn't very robust ; ; ORIGIN [entity] ; [string] identification label label=origin ; [string] entity name name=galactic origin ; [string] entity shape (ignored if the entity has a model) shape=axis ; entity radius radius=1 ; [x y z] entity location location=0 0 0 ; [r g b] entity color, values in the 0-1 range color=1 1 0 ; ; STAR [star] label=star name=white dwarf location=128 -256 0 ; [r g b] entity color, values in the 0-255 range color=255 255 255 ; ; PLANET SEYMOUR [planet] label=seymour name=planet Seymour location=-128 144 8 ; [r g b] entity color, values in the 0-1 range color=1 .9 .5 texture=planets/seymour ; ; REGULA STATION [entity] label=regula name=Regula station model=stations/regula location=-112 108 8 color=0.4 0.7 0 [entity] label=regula_storage name=storage tanks model=stations/regula_storage location=-106 108 8 color=0.4 0.7 0 ; ; PLANET GHANT [planet] label=ghant name=planet Ghant location=-154 -84 16 color=0.82 0.50 .2 texture=planets/ghant ; ; ALEXANDRIA OUTPOST [entity] label=alexandria name=Alexandria outpost model=stations/alexandria location=-116 -68 16 direction=315 color=222 192 145 [entity] label=custodian name=deep space carrier Custodian model=ships/custodian location=-118 -60 16 direction=310 color=222 192 145 ; ; IKARUS SATELLITE [entity] label=ikarus name=Ikarus satellite model=satellites/ikarus location=32 0 0 color=0.4 0.4 0.9 direction=120 pitch=15