; ; antwerp.ini ; world description for the Antwerp system ; ; ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] name=Antwerp system sky=sky35 ; ; STAR [star] ; [string] entity label label=star ; [string] entity name name=class D star location=512 -512 0 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=248 248 255 ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=88 ; ; BUCCANEERS' DEN [station] label=buccaneers name=Buccaneers' Den model=pirate/juggernaut location=-768 1024 0 color=158 0 255 ; ; GHANT JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_south name=Navigation point South location=-1024 256 0 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_ghant name=Jumpgate Antwerp -> Ghant model=pirate/jumpgate target=ghant:jumpgate_antwerp color=158 0 255 location=-1048 256 8 direction=0 ; ; DOVER JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_north name=Navigation point North location=996 -256 0 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_dover name=Jumpgate Antwerp -> Dover model=pirate/jumpgate target=dover:jumpgate_antwerp color=158 0 255 location=1024 -302 0 direction=300 ; ; ANARA JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_west name=Navigation point West location=256 1024 16 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_anara name=Jumpgate Antwerp -> Anara target=anara:jumpgate_antwerp color=158 0 255 location=384 1056 16 direction=300