; ; antwerp.ini ; world description for the Antwerp system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] name=Antwerp system sky=sky01 location=457 343 0 ; faction faction=colonies ; zone information info=The Antwerp system is the headquarters of the Colonial Militia. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; STAR [star] ; [string] entity label label=star ; [string] entity name name=class O star location=256 -1512 0 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=248 248 255 ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=88 corona=corona/plain ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; STARBASE HELIANTHOS [station] label=helianthos name=Starbase Helianthos model=maps/colonial/helianthos faction=militia ; override faction secnodary color colorsecond=0 1 0 location=512 -512 0 [ship] label=tiger [cargo] label=liquor price=425 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=12 amount=0 [weapon] label=blaster1 amount=-1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET ANTWERP [planet] label=antwerp name=planet Antwerp texture=planets/antwerp ;rings=planets/antwerp_rings info=Planet Antwerp is the headquarters of the colonial militia. location=-64 512 32 yaw=45 pitch=5 rotationspeed=1.0 radius=72 dock=yes ; available cargo types [cargo] label=water price=5 amount=-1 [cargo] label=liquor price=350 amount=0 [cargo] label=medicines price=215 amount=0 ; available ship types [ship] label=tiger [ship] label=custodian ; available weapon types [weapon] label=blaster1 amount=-1 [weapon] label=blaster2 amount=-1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BUCCANEERS' DEN [station] label=buccaneers model=maps/pirate/base_large name=Buccaneers Den faction=pirates location=-768 1460 -256 radius=20 [ship] label=raider [ship] label=jaguar [cargo] label=gold price=1100 amount=-1 [cargo] label=liquor price=450 amount=0 [cargo] label=carbosteel price=500 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=20 amount=0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GHANT JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_south name=Navigation point South location=-932 -256 0 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_ghant target=ghant:jumpgate_antwerp faction=colonies location=-950 -256 8 yaw=0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ALBION JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_north name=Navigation point North location=1096 -256 0 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_albion target=albion:jumpgate_antwerp faction=colonies location=1124 -302 0 yaw=-160 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; FINNMARK JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_west name=Navigation point West location=420 1024 16 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_finnmark target=finnmark:jumpgate_antwerp faction=colonies location=460 1056 16 yaw=275 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; KRONENBADEN JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_kronenbaden target=kronenbaden:jumpgate_antwerp yaw=300 location=-1024 900 32 faction=colonies