; ; carthagio.ini ; world description for the Carthagio system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] ; zone name name=Carthagio system sky=sky13 ; ambient light color ambient=0.1 0.1 0.1 ; [x y z] galactic location location=698 280 0 ; faction faction=praetoria ; zone information info=The Carthagio system is an industrial system, rich in gaseous anomalies. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET CARTHAGIO [planet] ; [string] entity label label=carthagio ; [string] entity name name=planet Carthagio ; [x y x] entity location location=364 764 0 angles=0 225 0 ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=64 dock=yes ; [r g b] entity color, values in the 0-1 range color=255 255 255 ; [string] globe texture name texture=planets/carthagio info=This Praetorian planet needs a texture and a story background. info=Since it is in a gas mining system it most likely supports industry. [cargo] label=phosphine price=315 amount=-1 [cargo] label=water price=7 amount=-1 [ship] label=hermione [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_ground location=-572 952 0 angles=0 -50 0 target=ground:jumpgate_carthagio faction=praetoria [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_praetoria location=962 106 0 angles=0 -180 0 target=praetoria:jumpgate_carthagio faction=praetoria [star] label=star name=class K star location=-668 -688 0 angles=0 60 0 radius=72 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=219 91 0 [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=898 -474 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=904 -484 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=910 -495 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=917 -506 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=892 -464 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=906 -465 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=900 -453 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=920 -487 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solarunit name=Solar Unit location=926 -497 2 angles=15 200 0 faction=praetoria [entity] template=solarunit label=solar_poWer_array name=Solar power array location=913 -477 3 angles=0 20 0 faction=praetoria showonmap=true [station] label=medusa name=Medusa Gas Storage location=-298 -288 0 angles=0 69 0 radius=16 model=maps/common/border_station_03 info=Phosphine gas processing facility. [cargo] label=water price=25 amount=0 [cargo] label=phosphine price=285 amount=-1 [patrol] label=phosphine_transport profile=convoy faction=praetoria [npc] name=Transport ship=hermione turret=turretneutron1 amount=2 [npc] name=Transport ship=hermione turret=turretneutron1 amount=2 [waypoint] target=medusa dock=yes cargo=phosphine [waypoint] target=carthagio dock=yes