; ; dagon.ini ; world description for the Dagon system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION ; [zone] name=Dagon system sky= ; [x y z] galactic location location=718 553 0 ambient=0.1 0.1 0.1 faction=dagon info=The Dagon system, capital of House Dagon ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; STAR [star] label=star name=class F star location=-80 -1600 0 angles=0 90 0 radius=90 color=255 255 255 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET DAGON [planet] label=dagon name=planet Dagon location=184 196 0 angles=0 222 0 faction=dagon texture=planets/dagon dock=yes color=255 255 255 info=House Dagon capital planet. [cargo] label=water price=5 amount=-1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; RASHEEN JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_rasheen location=-264 1420 0 angles=0 -69 0 target=rasheen:jumpgate_dagon faction=dagon ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ASHRAN JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_ashran location=1464 -316 0 angles=0 160 0 target=ashran:jumpgate_dagon faction=dagon ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; XIBALBA JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_xibalba location=-1096 -588 0 angles=0 28 0 target=xibalba:jumpgate_dagon faction=dagon