; ; eastend.ini ; world description for the East End system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] name=East End system sky=sky08 ; [x y z] galactic location location=584 328 0 ; faction faction=neutral ; zone information info=The East End system. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; TRIDENT CORE [station] label=trident name=Trident Core location=-426 -408 2 angles=0 30 0 radius=16 model=maps/independent/trident faction=neutral ; this entity is the default zone view default=yes [ship] label=anansi [ship] label=horizon [cargo] label=liquor price=350 amount=0 [cargo] label=carbosteel price=450 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=12 amount=0 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_albion location=582 66 0 angles=0 195 0 target=albion:jumpgate_eastend faction=neutral [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_brogha location=-676 392 0 angles=5 -30 0 target=brogha:jumpgate_eastend faction=neutral [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_hellas location=332 -956 0 angles=0 140 0 target=hellas:jumpgate_eastend faction=neutral [star] label=star name=class F star location=-620 -1016 0 angles=0 45 0 radius=86 color=255 255 192 [jumppoint] label=jumppoint_ground location=-1224 -968 0 angles=0 25 0 target=ground:jumppoint_eastend