; ; ghant.ini ; world description for the Ghant system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] ; [string] zone name name=Ghant system ; [string] skybox name sky=sky02 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ORIGIN [navpoint] ; [string] entity label label=navpoint_origin ; [string] entity name name=Navigation point Origin ; [x y x] entity location location=0 0 0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; STAR [star] ; [string] entity label label=star ; [string] entity name name=class A star location=512 -512 0 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=255 255 255 ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=90 corona=default ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET GHANT [planet] ; [string] entity label label=ghant ; [string] entity name name=planet Ghant ; [x y x] entity location location=-270 -800 32 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-1 range ;color=0.82 0.50 .2 ; [string] globe texture name texture=planets/ghant ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=64 ; [float] axis pitch, in degrees pitch=-15 ; [float] rotation speed, in degrees per second rotationspeed=1 dock=yes ; info text info=Though once a mineral-rich world, most of Planet Ghant's resources were depleted by intensive mining operations. info=After decades of decline, the Colonial Trade Consortium decided to aquire the planet, as the relative unimportant strategic value of the planet would provide an excellent location for their base of operations. info=Terraforming the arid climate into a more hospitable environment is an ongoing process and requires regular imports of terraforming equipment and related technologies. [cargo] label=terraformingequipment price=1650 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=8 amount=-1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ALEXANDRIA OUTPOST [station] ; [string] entity label label=alexandria ; [string] entity name name=Alexandria outpost ; [string] entity model name model=maps/colonial/alexandria ; [string] faction this entity belongs to, sets faction colors faction=colonies ; [x y x] entity location location=-192 -704 32 ; [float] axis direction, in degrees yaw=45 ; this is the default base where new players are docked default=yes ; entity radius radius=8 ; info text info=Alexandria outpost serves as a commercial and entertainment centre for the Ghant system. Because of its remote location, it is also a popular transit zone for more shady operations, giving birth to its nickname Queen of the Wasteland. ; the sections below add trade definitions to the station ; available ship types [ship] label=vector [ship] label=pod ; available cargo types [cargo] ; always declare the label first label=crates ; price this base sells and busy the cargo at price=25 ; initial amount, -1 means unlimited supply amount=-1 [cargo] label=liquor price=325 ; limited initial supply amount=0 [cargo] label=niobium price=200 ; no initial supply amount=0 [cargo] label=iron price=150 ; no initial supply amount=0 [cargo] label=carbosteel price=500 ; no initial supply amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=10 amount=0 [entity] label=alexandria_storage1 name=storage tanks model=maps/colonial/alexandria_storage faction=colonies location=-176 -720 32 yaw=45 [entity] label=alexandria_storage2 name=storage tanks model=maps/colonial/alexandria_storage faction=colonies location=-172 -720 32 yaw=45 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BATTLESHIP CUSTODIAN [station] ; typically, a station uses a 'model=' line. however, since this is technically ; a ship that acts just like a station, we need to use a 'ship=' line instead. ; this allows us to scale the model automatically based on the ship's template, ; meaning less maintenance in the event that the template is changed in the ; future. make sure you specify 'ship=' before any other lines to make sure you ; don't override anything unintentionally. ship=custodian label=custodian name=Battleship Custodian faction=colonies location=-204 -656 32 yaw=305 [ship] label=sharkan [ship] label=tiger [cargo] label=liquor price=350 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=10 amount=0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET SEYMOUR [planet] ; [string] entity label label=seymour ; [string] entity name name=Planet Seymour ; [x y x] entity location location=-128 1032 -32 ; [r g b] entity color, values in the 0-1 range color=1 .9 .5 ; [string] globe texture name texture=planets/seymour ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=68 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; REGULA STATION [station] label=regula name=Regula Station model=maps/colonial/regula location=-128 928 -32 color=0.4 0.7 0 yaw=225 info=Regula station is the headquarters of the local niobium mining operation. [ship] label=vector [ship] label=scalar [cargo] label=crates price=50 amount=0 [cargo] label=niobium price=150 ; unlimited amount=-1 [cargo] label=water price=14 amount=0 [entity] label=regula_storage name=Storage tanks model=maps/colonial/regula_storage location=-122 928 -32 color=0.4 0.7 0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; KRONENBADEN JUMPGATE [jumpgate] ; name and info are automaticly set for jumpgates label=jumpgate_kronenbaden target=kronenbaden:jumpgate_ghant faction=colonies location=460 1440 64 yaw=270 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; IKARUS SATELLITE [entity] label=ikarus name=Ikarus satellite model=maps/colonial/ikarus faction=militia location=64 -16 0 yaw=120 pitch=-15 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BROGHA JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_east name=Navigation point East location=716 -1008 20 [jumpgate] ; name and info are automaticly set for jumpgates label=jumpgate_brogha target=brogha:jumpgate_ghant faction=colonies location=716 -1024 24 yaw=90 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ANTWERP JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_antwerp ; override default jumpgate model model=maps/colonial/jumpgate target=antwerp:jumpgate_ghant faction=colonies location=1024 348 32 yaw=180