; ; ghant.ini ; world description for the Ghant system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] ; [string] zone name name=Ghant system ; [string] sky texture sky=sky12 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ORIGIN [navpoint] ; [string] entity label label=navpoint_origin ; [string] entity name name=Navigation point Origin ; [x y x] entity location location=0 0 0 ; this entity is the default zone view ;default = yes ; [path] model path model=maps/static/navpoint ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; STAR [star] ; [string] entity label label=star ; [string] entity name name=class D star location=512 -512 0 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=255 255 255 ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=90 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET GHANT [planet] ; [string] entity label label=ghant ; [string] entity name name=planet Ghant ; [x y x] entity location location=-256 -768 32 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-1 range color=0.82 0.50 .2 ; [string] globe texture name texture=planets/ghant ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=64 ; [float] axis pitch, in degrees pitch=15 ; [float] rotation speed, in degrees per second rotationspeed=1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ALEXANDRIA OUTPOST [station] ; [string] entity label label=alexandria ; [string] entity name name=Alexandria outpost ; [string] entity model name model=maps/colonial/alexandria ; [x y x] entity location location=-192 -704 32 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=222 192 145 ; [r g b] entity secondary color, values in the 0-255 range colorsecond=160 160 160 ; [float] axis direction, in degrees direction=45 ; this is the default base where new players are dock default=yes ; info text info=Alexandria outpost serves as a commercial and entertainment centre for the Ghant system. Because of its remote location, it is also a popular transit zone for more shady operations, giving birth to its nickname Queen of the Wasteland. ; the sections below add trade definitions to the station ; available ship types [ship] label=vector [ship] label=pod ; available cargo types [cargo] ; always declare the label first label=crates ; price this base sells and busy the cargo at price=25 ; initial amount, -1 means limitless supply, 0 means this base only buys this cargo amount=-1 [cargo] label=niobium price=200 amount=0 [cargo] label=liquor price=400 amount=5 [entity] label=alexandria_storage1 name=storage tanks model=maps/colonial/alexandria_storage location=-176 -720 32 color=222 192 145 colorsecond=160 160 160 direction=45 [entity] label=alexandria_storage2 name=storage tanks model=maps/colonial/alexandria_storage location=-172 -720 32 color=222 192 145 colorsecond=160 160 160 direction=45 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BATTLESHIP CUSTODIAN [station] label=custodian name=battleship Custodian model=maps/colonial/custodian location=-204 -656 32 direction=305 color=222 192 145 ; [r g b] entity secondary color, values in the 0-255 range colorsecond=160 160 160 [ship] label=sharkan [cargo] label=liquor price=425 amount=0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET SEYMOUR [planet] ; [string] entity label label=seymour ; [string] entity name name=planet Seymour ; [x y x] entity location location=-128 1024 -32 ; [r g b] entity color, values in the 0-1 range color=1 .9 .5 ; [string] globe texture name texture=planets/seymour ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=68 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; REGULA STATION [station] label=regula name=Regula station model=maps/colonial/regula location=-128 928 -32 color=0.4 0.7 0 direction=225 info=Regula station is the headquarters of the local mining operation. [ship] label=vector [ship] label=scalar [cargo] label=crates price=50 amount=0 [cargo] label=niobium price=125 ; unlimited amount=-1 [entity] label=regula_storage name=Storage tanks model=maps/colonial/regula_storage location=-122 928 -32 color=0.4 0.7 0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; IKARUS SATELLITE [entity] label=ikarus name=Ikarus satellite model=maps/colonial/ikarus location=64 -16 0 color=100 100 230 direction=120 pitch=15 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; BROGHA JUMPGATE [navpoint] label=navpoint_east name=Navigation point East location=716 -1008 20 model=maps/static/navpoint [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_brogha name=Jumpgate Ghant -> Brogha model=maps/colonial/jumpgate target=brogha:jumpgate_ghant location=716 -1024 24 direction=90 color=222 192 145 info=Jumpgate to the Brogha system. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ANTWERP JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_antwerp name=Jumpgate Ghant -> Antwerp model=maps/pirate/jumpgate target=antwerp:jumpgate_ghant location=1024 348 32 direction=180 color=158 0 255 info=Jumpgate to the Antwerp system.