; ; hellas.ini ; world description for the Hellas system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION ; [zone] ; zone name name=Hellas system sky=sky27 ; [x y z] galactic location location=635 376 0 ; ambient light color ambient=0.1 0.1 0.1 ; faction faction=praetoria info=The Hellas system. [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_eastend location=-808 640 0 angles=0 -25 0 target=eastend:jumpgate_hellas faction=praetoria [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_gibraltar location=1000 -112 8 angles=0 -180 0 target=gibraltar:jumpgate_hellas faction=praetoria [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_praetoria location=156 -1000 16 angles=0 115 0 target=praetoria:jumpgate_hellas faction=praetoria [station] label=trireme name=Trireme station location=-608 -532 0 angles=0 50 0 radius=10 model=maps/common/border_station_02 faction=courier color=255 255 255 colorsecond=217 131 0 infoname=Praetorian Express headquarters info=After much debate, the senate gave its consent to the relocation of info=Praetorian Express' headquarters to the Hellas system in 535 A.E. info=Less than two years later, Trireme station had been inaugerated. [ship] label=pod [star] label=star name=class M star location=0 -12 0 angles=0 230 0 radius=92 color=255 76 11