; ; khorsand.ini ; world description for the Khorsand system ; [zone] name=Khorsand system [navpoint] label=navpoint_origin name=Navigation point Origin location=0 0 0 [star] ; [string] entity label label=star ; [string] entity name name=class K star location=256 512 0 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=240 224 130 ; [float] entity radius (10 game units == 1km ingame) radius=130 [jumpgate] ; name and info are automaticly set for jumpgates label=jumpgate_brogha target=brogha:jumpgate_khorsand faction=colonies location=768 -512 12 yaw=0 [station] label=kerman name=Kerman Station model=maps/colonial/regula location=-448 -96 -12 color=0.7 0.7 0 yaw=225 complex=yes info=Kerman station is the main niobium refinery in the border worlds. [ship] label=vector [ship] label=scalar [cargo] label=crates price=45 amount=0 [cargo] label=niobium price=280 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=20 amount=0 [cargo] label=superconductors price=250 amount=-1 [entity] label=kerman_storage name=Storage tanks model=maps/colonial/regula_storage location=-448 -86 -12 color=0.9 0.9 0.1 complex=yes [entity] label=kerman_storage2 name=Storage tanks model=maps/colonial/regula_storage location=-448 -106 -12 yaw=180 color=0.9 0.9 0.1 complex=yes