; ; kronenbaden.ini ; world description for the Kronenbaden System ; [zone] name=Kronenbaden system sky=sky23 ; [x y z] galactic location location=378 284 0 ; faction faction=colonies ; zone information info=The Kronenbaden system. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; STAR [star] location=450 1320 512 name=class F star radius=58 color=1.0 1.0 0.9 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET BADEN [planet] label=Baden name=planet Baden location=786 -400 -64 texture=planets/baden yaw=90 faction=colonies ; set color to white, otherwise faction color will be used color=1.0 1.0 1.0 dock=yes info=Planet Baden is a lush agricultural planet. [cargo] label=liquor price=245 amount=-1 [cargo] label=water price=5 amount=-1 [ship] label=galaxy ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PLANET KRONE [planet] label=krone name=planet Krone location=-512 256 -128 texture=planets/krone yaw=210 faction=colonies ; set color to white color=1.0 1.0 1.0 dock=yes info=Planet Krone is an industrial planet with a harsh climate. [cargo] label=gateparts price=1245 amount=-1 [cargo] label=liquor price=255 amount=0 [cargo] label=iron price=125 amount=0 [cargo] label=niobium price=215 amount=0 [cargo] label=gold price=1275 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=12 amount=0 [ship] label=vector [ship] label=scalar ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ANTWERP JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_antwerp target=antwerp:jumpgate_kronenbaden location=256 -1280 -72 yaw=120 faction=colonies ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GHANT JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_ghant target=ghant:jumpgate_kronenbaden location=-400 -768 32 yaw=40 faction=colonies ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; WARSAW JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_warsaw target=warsaw:jumpgate_kronenbaden location=-1024 768 -64 yaw=300 faction=colonies ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; FINNMARK JUMPGATE CONSTRUCTION SITE [entity] label=jumpgate_unfinished name=Jumpgate Kronenbaden -> Finnmark location=1380 356 8 model=maps/common/jumpgate_construction yaw=180 faction=colonies radius=5.4 infoname=JUmpgate under construction [jumppoint] label=jumppoint_finnmark target=finnmark:jumppoint_kronenbaden location=1365 356 8 [station] label=jumpgate_construction name=Jumpgate construction infoname=Jumpgate construction site model=maps/colonial/outpost radius=6 faction=colonies location=1372 350 8 yaw=90 [cargo] label=gateparts price=1275 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=25 amount=0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; MERCHANT TRADE ROUTE [patrol] label=convoy_merchants faction=merchants profile=convoy [ship] label=galaxy [ship] label=vector ; maximal amount of ships of this type amount=2 [waypoint] target=baden ; dock at this waypoint dock=yes ; cargo to buy at this waypoint cargo=liquor [waypoint] target=krone dock=yes cargo=gateparts [waypoint] target=jumpgate_construction dock=yes cargo=water