; ; praetoria.ini ; world description for the Praetoria system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] ; zone name name=Praetoria system sky=sky28 ; ambient color ambient=.1 .1 .1 ; [x y z] galactic location location=694 342 0 ; faction faction=praetoria info=The Praetoria system is the capital system of House Praetoria. [star] label=star name=class G star location=444 200 24 angles=0 -180 0 radius=96 color=255 250 150 [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_hellas name=class G star location=-320 968 -8 angles=0 -80 0 target=hellas:jumpgate_praetoria faction=praetoria [planet] label=praetoria name=Planet Praetoria location=-316 -200 4 angles=0 50 0 radius=68 texture=planets/praetoria rotationspeed=0.5 dock=yes info=House Praetoria capital planet. [ship] label=manticore [planet] label=caesar name=Caesar location=-824 -56 8 angles=0 -15 0 radius=50 texture=planets/caesar rotationspeed=0.25 info=A lifeless moon. [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_carthagio name=class G star location=-1344 200 -8 angles=0 -10 0 target=carthagio:jumpgate_praetoria faction=praetoria [station] label=olduvai name=Olduvai station location=-887 -113 0 angles=0 119 0 radius=14 model=maps/common/border_station_01 faction=praetoria color=255 255 255 info=Praetorian Intelligence headquarters. [ship] label=manticore [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_phoenicia name=class G star location=184 -944 -8 angles=0 110 0 target=phoenicia:jumpgate_praetoria faction=praetoria ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; MILITIA PATROL [patrol] label=patrol_praetoria location=28 -790 0 faction=praetoria profile=patrol [npc] name=Praetorian Guard ship=manticore cannon=neutron2 amount=2 [npc] name=Praetorian Guard ship=manticore cannon=neutron1 amount=3 [waypoint] target=olduvai dock=yes [waypoint] target=jumpgate_carthagio [waypoint] target=jumpgate_hellas [waypoint] target=praetoria dock=yes [waypoint] target=jumpgate_phoenicia