; ; vostok.ini ; world description for the Vostok system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] ; [string] zone name name=Vostok system ; [string] skybox name sky=sky32 ; [r g b] ambient color ambient=0.05 0.05 0.05 ; [x y z] galactic location location=388 167 0 ; faction faction=colonies ; zone information info=The Vostok system system marks the border of the Independent Colonies with the Southern Rim. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; CLASS K STAR [star] label=star name=class K star location=-576 928 8 angles=0 310 0 radius=71.5 ; [r g b] entity primary color, values in the 0-255 range color=219 91 0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; WARSAW JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_warsaw location=1224 -984 -8 angles=0 140 0 target=warsaw:jumpgate_vostok faction=colonies ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; STARBASE GESSER [station] label=gesser name=Starbase Gesser location=320 -696 -8 angles=0 15 0 infoname=Colonial starbase model=maps/colonial/helianthos faction=militia ; override faction secnodary color colorsecond=0 1 0 [ship] label=tiger [ship] label=lancer ; cargo trade definitions [cargo] label=liquor price=475 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=12 amount=0 ; weapon trade definitions [weapon] label=mine_dumb amount=-1 [weapon] label=blaster2 amount=-1 [weapon] label=turretblaster1 amount=-1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZAVULON BASE [station] label=zavulon name=Zavulon Base location=1096 1176 12 angles=0 245 0 radius=14 model=maps/pirate/repair_station faction=twiligh infoname=Twilight Guard base [ship] label=raider [ship] label=jaguar ; cargo trade definitions [cargo] label=gold price=1150 amount=-1 [cargo] label=liquor price=480 amount=0 [cargo] label=water price=25 amount=0 ; weapon trade definitions [weapon] label=laser2 amount=-1 [weapon] label=laser3 amount=-1 [weapon] label=turretlaser2 amount=-1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NAVIGATION POINT NORTH [navpoint] label=navpoint_north name=Navigation point North location=1456 -56 -2 angles=0 180 0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NAVIGATION POINT SOUTG [navpoint] label=navpoint_south name=Navigation point South location=-328 208 0 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; NAVIGATION POINT WEST [navpoint] label=navpoint_west name=Navigation point West location=246 1836 16 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; MILITIA PATROL [patrol] label=patrol_militia location=1232 -1408 0 faction=militia profile=patrol [npc] name=Militia ship=lancer cannon=blaster2 amount=1 [npc] name=Militia ship=tiger cannon=blaster2 amount=2 [npc] name=Militia ship=tiger cannon=blaster2 amount=2 [waypoint] target=gesser dock=yes [waypoint] target=jumpgate_warsaw [waypoint] target=navpoint_north [waypoint] target=navpoint_south ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; TWILIGHT GUARD PATROL [patrol] label=patrol_twilitght location=1360 -1400 0 faction=twilight profile=patrol [npc] name=Twiligh Guard ship=raider cannon=laser3 [npc] name=Twiligh Guard ship=raider cannon=laser2 amount=2 [npc] name=Twiligh Guard ship=raider cannon=laser2 amount=2 [waypoint] target=zavulon dock=yes [waypoint] target=navpoint_west [waypoint] target=navpoint_south [waypoint] target=navpoint_north