; ; yser.ini ; world description for the Yser system ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ZONE IDENTIFICATION [zone] ; zone name name=Yser system ; ambient color ambient=.15 .15 .2 ; [x y z] galactic location location=584 184 0 ; faction faction=neutral ; zone information info=The Yser system is the headquarters of the Mercenaries Guild. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; CLASS O STAR [star] label=star name=O class star location=-1968 -568 24 angles=0 15 0 corona=default color=.9 .9 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; YSERLONE FORTRESS [station] label=yserlone name=Yserlone Fortress location=-672 104 16 angles=0 45 0 radius=4 ; placeholder shape=sphere faction=mercenaries info=Yserlone Fortress is the headquarters of the Mercenaries Guild. It is considered inpenetrable by hostile forces. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GROUND JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_ground location=896 -432 2 angles=0 160 0 target=ground:jumpgate_yser faction=mercenaries ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GROUND JUMPGATE [jumpgate] label=jumpgate_khorsand location=-776 1600 -4 angles=0 -70 0 target=khorsand:jumpgate_yser faction=mercenaries