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Diffstat (limited to 'src/game/base/')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/base/ b/src/game/base/
index 803657d..fcecf58 100644
--- a/src/game/base/
+++ b/src/game/base/
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void Game::func_give(core::Player *player, const std::string &args)
} else {
+ player->set_dirty();
} else {
@@ -335,7 +335,12 @@ void Game::func_buy(core::Player *player, const std::string &args)
amount = 0;
if ("ship") == 0) {
- ShipDealer::func_buy(player, labelstr);
+ ShipModel *shipmodel = ShipModel::find(labelstr);
+ if (shipmodel) {
+ shipmodel->buy(player->control(), player->view());
+ } else {
+ player->send("Unkown ship type '" + labelstr + "'");
+ }
} else if ("cargo") == 0) {
Cargo *cargo = Cargo::find(labelstr);
if (cargo) {
@@ -672,16 +677,20 @@ bool Game::load_zone(core::Zone *zone)
size_t count = 0;
- Station *station = 0;
- Planet *planet = 0;
- Star *star = 0;
- NavPoint *navpoint = 0;
- JumpPoint *jumppoint = 0;
- RaceTrack *racetrack = 0;
- CheckPoint *checkpoint = 0;
- core::Entity *entity = 0;
+ core::Entity *entity = 0;
+ core::Inventory *inventory = 0;
+ core::Item *item = 0;
+ Station *station = 0;
+ Planet *planet = 0;
+ Star *star = 0;
+ NavPoint *navpoint = 0;
+ JumpPoint *jumppoint = 0;
+ RaceTrack *racetrack = 0;
+ CheckPoint *checkpoint = 0;
bool b;
+ long l;
std::string strval;
@@ -696,41 +705,49 @@ bool Game::load_zone(core::Zone *zone)
} else if (zoneini.got_section("star")) {
star = new Star();
+ entity = star;
count ++;
} else if (zoneini.got_section("navpoint")) {
navpoint = new NavPoint();
+ entity = navpoint;
count ++;
} else if (zoneini.got_section("jumpgate")) {
jumppoint = new JumpGate();
+ entity = jumppoint;
count ++;
} else if (zoneini.got_section("jumppoint")) {
jumppoint = new JumpPoint();
+ entity = jumppoint;
count ++;
} else if (zoneini.got_section("racetrack")) {
racetrack = new RaceTrack();
+ entity = racetrack;
} else if (zoneini.got_section("checkpoint")) {
checkpoint = new CheckPoint(racetrack);
+ entity = checkpoint;
if (!racetrack) {
- con_warn << << " checkpoint without racetrack at line " << zoneini.line() << std::endl;
+ zoneini.unknown_error("checkpoint without racetrack");
} else if (zoneini.got_section("planet")) {
planet = new Planet();
+ entity = planet;
count ++;
} else if (zoneini.got_section("station")) {
station = new Station();
+ entity = station;
count ++;
@@ -739,7 +756,41 @@ bool Game::load_zone(core::Zone *zone)
count ++;
+ } else if (zoneini.got_section("cargo")) {
+ // new cargo trading definition for the current base
+ item = 0;
+ inventory = 0;
+ if (!entity) {
+ zoneini.unknown_error("cargo definition without entity");
+ } else if ((entity->moduletype() != planet_enttype) && (entity->moduletype() != station_enttype)) {
+ zoneini.unknown_error("cargo definition for invalid entity type");
+ } else {
+ inventory = entity->inventory();
+ if (!inventory) {
+ inventory = new core::Inventory();
+ entity->set_inventory(inventory);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (zoneini.got_section("ship")) {
+ // new ship trading definition for the current base
+ item = 0;
+ inventory = 0;
+ if (!entity) {
+ zoneini.unknown_error("ship definition without entity");
+ } else if ((entity->moduletype() != planet_enttype) && (entity->moduletype() != station_enttype)) {
+ zoneini.unknown_error("ship definition for invalid entity type");
+ } else {
+ inventory = entity->inventory();
+ if (!inventory) {
+ inventory = new core::Inventory();
+ entity->set_inventory(inventory);
+ }
+ }
} else {
@@ -841,8 +892,68 @@ bool Game::load_zone(core::Zone *zone)
} else {
- }
+ } else if (zoneini.in_section("cargo")) {
+ // cargo definition for a station or planet
+ if (!entity || !inventory) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (zoneini.got_key_label("label", strval)) {
+ Cargo *cargo = Cargo::find(strval);
+ if (cargo) {
+ item = inventory->find(cargo);
+ if (!item) {
+ item = new core::Item(cargo);
+ item->set_amount(-1);
+ item->set_price(cargo->price());
+ inventory->add(item);
+ }
+ } else {
+ zoneini.unknown_error("unkown cargo type '" + strval + "'");
+ }
+ } else if (zoneini.got_key_long("price", l)) {
+ if (item) {
+ item->set_price(l);
+ }
+ } else if (zoneini.got_key_long("amount", l)) {
+ if (item) {
+ item->set_amount(l);
+ }
+ } else {
+ zoneini.unkown_key();
+ }
+ } else if (zoneini.in_section("ship")) {
+ // ship definition for a station or planet
+ if (!entity || !inventory) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (zoneini.got_key_label("label", strval)) {
+ ShipModel *shipmodel= ShipModel::find(strval);
+ if (shipmodel) {
+ item = inventory->find(shipmodel);
+ if (!item) {
+ item = new core::Item(shipmodel);
+ item->set_amount(-1);
+ item->set_price(shipmodel->price());
+ inventory->add(item);
+ }
+ } else {
+ zoneini.unknown_error("unkown ship type '" + strval + "'");
+ }
+ } else if (zoneini.got_key_long("price", l)) {
+ if (item) {
+ item->set_price(l);
+ }
+ } else {
+ zoneini.unkown_key();
+ }
+ }
@@ -874,204 +985,103 @@ bool Game::validate_zone(core::Zone *zone)
- if ((entity->flags() & core::Entity::Dockable) == core::Entity::Dockable)
- load_menus(entity, "zones/" + zone->label() + "/" + entity->label());
+ if ((entity->flags() & core::Entity::Dockable) == core::Entity::Dockable) {
+ generate_entity_menus(entity);
+ }
return true;
-bool Game::load_menus(core::Entity *entity, const std::string &menufilename)
+bool Game::generate_entity_menus(core::Entity *entity)
using core::MenuDescription;
using core::ButtonDescription;
if ((entity->moduletype() != planet_enttype) && (entity->moduletype() != station_enttype)) {
+ //con_warn << "Can not generate menus for entity '" << entity->label() << "'" << std::endl;
+ // not dockable
return false;
- filesystem::IniFile inifile;
- std::string strval;
- long l;
MenuDescription *menu_dealer = 0;
ButtonDescription *button = 0;
- ShipDealer *shipdealer = 0;
- core::Inventory *inventory = 0;
- core::Item *item = 0;
- if (inifile.is_open()) {
- while (inifile.getline()) {
- if (inifile.got_section()) {
- item = 0;
- if (inifile.got_section("dealer")) {
- // TODO replace [dealer] section with individual [ship] sections
- // dealer menu
- if (!menu_dealer) {
- menu_dealer = new MenuDescription();
- menu_dealer->set_label("ships");
- menu_dealer->set_text("Ships");
- shipdealer = new ShipDealer();
- if (entity->moduletype() == planet_enttype) {
- static_cast<Planet *>(entity)->set_shipdealer(shipdealer);
- } else if (entity->moduletype() == station_enttype) {
- static_cast<Station *>(entity)->set_shipdealer(shipdealer);
- }
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_section("cargo")) {
- } else if (inifile.got_section("ship")) {
- } else {
- inifile.unknown_section();
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key()) {
- if (inifile.in_section("dealer")) {
- if (inifile.got_key_string("ship", strval)) {
- aux::to_label(strval);
- ShipModel *model = shipdealer->add(strval);
- if (model) {
- button = new ButtonDescription();
- button->set_text("buy " + model->name());
- std::ostringstream str("");
- str << "buy " << model->id();
- button->set_command(str.str() , ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
- button->set_info(model);
- button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Left);
- menu_dealer->add_button(button);
- } else {
- std::string msg("unknown ship type '");
- msg.append(strval);
- msg.append("'");
- inifile.unknown_error(msg);
- }
- } else {
- inifile.unkown_key();
- }
- } else if (inifile.in_section("cargo")) {
- if (inifile.got_key_label("label", strval)) {
- Cargo *cargo = Cargo::find(strval);
- if (cargo) {
- if (!inventory) {
- inventory = new core::Inventory();
- }
- item = inventory->find(cargo);
- if (!item) {
- item = new core::Item(cargo);
- item->set_amount(-1);
- item->set_price(cargo->price());
- inventory->add(item);
- }
- } else {
- std::string msg("unkown cargo type '");
- msg.append(strval);
- msg.append("'");
- inifile.unknown_error(msg);
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key_long("price", l)) {
- if (item) {
- item->set_price(l);
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key_long("amount", l)) {
- if (item) {
- item->set_amount(l);
- }
- } else {
- inifile.unkown_key();
- }
- } else if (inifile.in_section("ship")) {
- if (inifile.got_key_label("label", strval)) {
- ShipModel *shipmodel = ShipModel::find(strval);
- if (shipmodel) {
- if (!inventory) {
- inventory = new core::Inventory();
- }
- item = inventory->find(shipmodel);
- if (!item) {
- item = new core::Item(shipmodel);
- item->set_price(shipmodel->price());
- item->set_amount(-1);
- inventory->add(item);
- }
- } else {
- std::string msg("unknown ship type '");
- msg.append(strval);
- msg.append("'");
- inifile.unknown_error(msg);
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key_long("price", l)) {
- if (item) {
- item->set_price(l);
- }
- } else {
- inifile.unkown_key();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (inventory)
- entity->set_inventory(inventory);
+ // dockable entity
+ // add main menu
MenuDescription *menu_main = new MenuDescription();
menu_main->set_text("Launch area");
+ // add launch button
button = new ButtonDescription();
button->set_command("launch", ButtonDescription::CommandGame);
- button = new ButtonDescription();
- button->set_text("Trade");
- button->set_command("trade cargo", ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
- button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Center);
- menu_main->add_button(button);
- if (menu_dealer) {
- button = new ButtonDescription();
- button->set_text("Return");
- button->set_command("main", ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
- button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Center);
- menu_dealer->add_button(button);
- entity->add_menu(menu_dealer);
- button = new ButtonDescription();
- button->set_text("Ships");
- button->set_command("ships", ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
- button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Center);
- menu_main->add_button(button);
- }
+ // add trade menus
+ if (entity->inventory()) {
+ size_t nbcargo = 0;
+ size_t nbships = 0;
+ for (core::Inventory::Items::const_iterator it = entity->inventory()->items().begin(); it != entity->inventory()->items().end(); it++) {
+ core::Item *item = (*it);
+ if (item->info()->type() == Cargo::cargo_infotype) {
+ nbcargo++;
+ } else if (item->info()->type() == ShipModel::shipmodel_infotype) {
+ if (!menu_dealer) {
+ menu_dealer = new MenuDescription();
+ menu_dealer->set_label("ships");
+ menu_dealer->set_text("Ships");
+ }
+ button = new ButtonDescription();
+ button->set_text("buy " + item->info()->name());
+ std::ostringstream str("");
+ str << "buy " << item->info()->id();
+ button->set_command(str.str() , ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
+ button->set_info(item->info());
+ button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Left);
+ menu_dealer->add_button(button);
+ nbships++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nbcargo > 0) {
+ con_debug << " " << entity->label() << " " << nbcargo << " cargo " << aux::plural("type", nbcargo) << std::endl;
+ button = new ButtonDescription();
+ button->set_text("Trade");
+ button->set_command("trade cargo", ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
+ button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Center);
+ menu_main->add_button(button);
+ }
- if (inifile.is_open()) {
- size_t n = entity->menus().size();
- con_debug << " " << << " " << n << " " << aux::plural("menu", n) << std::endl;
- inifile.close();
+ if (nbships > 0) {
+ con_debug << " " << entity->label() << " " << nbcargo << " ship " << aux::plural("type", nbcargo) << std::endl;
+ button = new ButtonDescription();
+ button->set_text("Return");
+ button->set_command("main", ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
+ button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Center);
+ menu_dealer->add_button(button);
+ entity->add_menu(menu_dealer);
+ button = new ButtonDescription();
+ button->set_text("Ships");
+ button->set_command("ships", ButtonDescription::CommandMenu);
+ button->set_alignment(ButtonDescription::Center);
+ menu_main->add_button(button);
+ }
return true;