The Osirion Project - INSTALL

	These are the installation instructions for the Osirion Project.
	A description of theproject and general usage information can be
	found in the README file.


	To build the Osirion Project from source code you will need 
	the SDL and OpenGL library and header files.

	In theory, it should compile on any POSIX-compatible platform 
	supported by SDL, but at the time of writing only linux is 

	I have succesfully compiled it on the following platforms:
		linux-x86_64, gcc 4.1.2, SDL 1.2.11 

Obtaining the source code

 	Get the latest version of the source code from svn:

		svn checkout svn://

	This command will create a new subdirectory 'osirion'
	and download the source code into it.

Compiling the source code

	Enter the new directory and compile the source code:
		cd osirion/
		autoreconf -fi

	At present, 'make install' is neither tested nor supported.

Compiling the dedicated server only

	The included configure script is not yet capable of compiling the
	dedicated server only. If you want to compile the dedicated server
	on a system that does not have SDL or OpenGL, you will have to finish
	the build manually.

	Start the build in the usual fashion:

		cd osirion/
		autoreconf -fi

	When trying to build the render library, the build will fail with 
	an error message. Proceed by building the game library and the 
	osiriond binary:

		cd src/game
		cd ..
		make osiriond
		cd ..

Installing game data

	The game data should be located in the 'data'
	subdirectory of the main distribution. 

	Get the latest version of the game data from svn: 
	Run the following command from within the main 
	distribution directory:

		svn checkout svn:// data

Installing gtkradiant 1.5.0 support files (optional)

	You only need to install these files if you want to create models
	with gtkradiant. Note that these files where made for 
	gtkradiant 1.5.0, I have not tested the with any other version. 
	You can find precompiled gtkradiant 1.5.0 binaries for linux at

	These instructions assume gtkradiant is installed in the directory
	'/usr/local/games/gtkradiant-1.5.0'. If it is installed in a different 
	directory on your system, edit these instructions accordingly.

	Copy the support files to the gtkradiant folder:

		cd data
		cd gtkradiant
		cp -vr * /usr/local/games/gtkradiant-1.5.0

	Open the file '/usr/local/games/gtkradiant-1.5.0/games/' in 
	your favourite editor. Look for a line that begins with:

	Make sure it points to your osirion data directory. For example,
	if you checked out the source code in '/home/user/games/osirion', 
	then the data will be in '/home/user/games/osirion/data' and 
	the line should look like this:


	Save the changes.


	To run the client program, execute:


	To run the dedicated server, execute:



	If you downloaded and compiled the game before, 
	there is no need to re-download the entire distribution.

	Update the game source code with the following commands:

		cd osirion/
		make distclean
		svn update

	Rebuild the game:

		autoreconf -fi

	Update the game data:

		cd data/
		svn update
		cd ..