The Osirion Project - README FOR THE LAZY So? You're the lazy type? I'll just assume you know what a directory is. HOW TO install the game: OSIRION="`pwd`/osirion" svn checkout svn:// cd osirion/ autoreconf -fi ./configure make svn checkout svn:// data HOW TO run the game: cd $OSIRION src/osrion ** The console keys is ~ or `. Keyboard is probably broken on non-qwerty layouts. cl_name SpaceCowboy cl_color 1 1 0 connect join spectate buy buy sharkan ** Numeric keypad keys steer left or right, keypad + and - change thrust. Spacebar changes camera mode. Cursors keys change the camera view. quit HOW TO run a dedicated server: cd $OSIRION src/osiriond HOW TO connect to a dedicated server: cl_name SpaceCowboy cl_color 1 1 0 connect say Hi, I am connected to the server! ** The 'T' button opens the chat window, no need to type 'say' in the console all the time HOW TO go fullscreen or change resolution: r_width 1280 r_height 960 r_fullscreen 1 r_restart HOW TO find more information without reading the documentation: list_ent list_func list_var list_model list_ship ls $OSIRION/data/base vim $OSIRION/data/base/ini/world.ini vim $OSIRION/data/base/ini/ships.ini It fails! rm -rf $OSIRION goto 10 It still fails! Seriously, read the README and INSTALL files.