------------------------------------------------------------------ The Osirion Project - ROADMAP ------------------------------------------------------------------ General: This document describes the gameplay objectives for each milestone of the project. Currently, milestone 0.1 has been reached and the game universe is ready to be refined and expanded. Features of the engine itself, like support for new file formats, rendering options and game server commands are implemented along the way and, unless required, happen independent of the gamplay roadmap. This roadmap is not to be used as a roadplanner but as a gentle guide to reach a playable game. ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.1.0 - The Universe (done) Description: The game world is divided into zones, the zones can be populated with entities. Players can use their impulse drive or jump to different zones. Multiple players can connect to the dedicated server. They can fly around and see each other. They can use chat to communicate, they can use private chat or global chat. Players can dock at a space station or planets. Docking a jumpgate enables hyperspace travel. Requires: client console entities ship instances network subsystem entities camera handling keyboard bindings zones basic travelling: impulse drive, jump engine basic docking ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.2.0 - Items and Trading Description: Ships and stations have inventories, players can buy and sell cargo at a space station. Each item can have a text description and a model. Requires: player credits (ok) item info + lazy server-client exchange (ok) trading (ok) inventories (ok) Related: map entity descriptions (ok) eject cargo/tractor beam (ok) -> fx player-to-player trading equipment trading model weapon slots and positioning Optional: dockable player ships (ok) fuel system economy per-item adjustabe depletion rate (won't do) Implementation: inventory + ship statistics window (ok) handle inventory transfer on ship aquisition (ok) eject/destroy cargo (ok) base inventory depletion (ok) docking player ships should require owner permission player-to-player trading player shops player must be capable of setting the kind and price of items to sell item 'tradeable' flag shop allows multiple buyers, p2p trading just one player factory ships + base factories, per-item adjustabe conversion rate and ratio e.g. 2 units of niobum to 1 superconductor per 30 seconds player saving and network authentication ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.3.0 - Equipment Description: Players can buy and sell ship upgrades like armor and scanners, this will require additional game mechanics. Players can buy and sell weapons. Requires: cannons and turrets cannon and turret models ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.4.0 - Physics Requires: collision physics (box model collision implemented) collision meshes targetting explosions, weapons fire and related sounds particle systems ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.5.0 - public alpha version 0.5.1 - bugfix release Description: All the general large features of the engine are implemented. Create a somewhat polished release with a playable universe to create a platform for bug-fixes and improvements. The main goal if the alpha is to create interest for the project and to attract an initial playerbase. At this point, a dedicated 'Official' server is necessary. Requires: playable, consistent universe general polishing master server player guid player saving ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.6.0 - NPC Requires: factions allegiance ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.7.0 - Missions ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 0.9.0 - public beta Description: Requires: stable network protocol background story zip archive support http downloads ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 1.0.0 - public release Requires: ------------------------------------------------------------------ version 2.0.0 - rewrite of the engine