The Osirion Project - GAMEPLAY This document describes what the gameplay of Project::OSiRiON should eventually become. This document is a work in progress and is subject to change. Overview Project::OSiRiON is a multiplayer space game with persistent player statistics. A single player mode with a compelling story is a secondary objective but the storyline serves as background for the multiplayer universe. The main goal of the game is to provide a universe for the players to explore. Exploration is encouraged by the need for faster ships, bigger guns and better trade deals. Guidelines Project::OSiRiON is a 'serious' game. Names of objects, people and places should be considered generic for the universe and should not be rightout silly or offensive. Names should feel 'natural' in their context. Models for ships, space stations and other objects should be designed with the same philosphy in mind. It is acceptable to make references to exisiting objects (real or fiction), as long as they are subtle or inconspicuous. Names of planets, systems and areas are usually references to exisiting places on earth. Astronomical objects or a mythological personae are also a great source of good names. Universe A basic description of the universe, how it is organised and who lives there. The universe is a collection of stand-alone star systems. Each star system is a small world on its on. The only direct interaction between systems is a player traveling between them. The background story should provide (some of the) star systems and their relations. The universe is a static. Players can not intentionally destroyed planets, stations or other objects. The Project::OSiRiON universe is an open universe. This means players are free to travel around and visit the places they want, but this does not mean the player will be welcomed anywhere he goes. Destructable objects are probably part of a mission, will respawn later or have some other special meaning. The Player Who is the player in the universe. - Friends - Enemies - Background - How the player interacts with the universe. The player enters the universe as a typical out-of-luck person who decided to start a new life. With a small ship he tries to become the Richest Man in the Known Universe. The player earns money by shipping cargo that can be bought at discount prices at one place and sold at a premium on a second location. *mining *fighting *wrecks/looting. The goal is to become filthy rich and show it. Besides, with a particle cannon and a target lock, nobody cares where your money comes from. True roleplaying is outside the scope of the game itself. The universe (might/will) provide factions, friendly and hostile NPCS an strategic area's but the game engine itself will not force true roleplaying. For example, players will not be limited to certain ships and weapons depending on their allegiances. Players can be hostile or friendly to each other. Flying missions, mercenary, military or mercantile in nature. Ships The player starts the game with single small spacecraft and starts the game docked at a planet or space station. When he has earned sufficient money he can spend it on ship upgrades like weapons, armor, shields and various other components. *gameplay idea various 'useless' fancy upgrades that increase player status Traveling How the traveling happens in the universe, how the player will travel. Every ship is equipped with thrusters. The maximum thruster speed depends on the ship type, small merchant vessels will have lower maximim trhuster speed then a scout ship. Ships can also be equiped with a sublight kinetic impulse drive. This drive will enable the ship to accelerate to a high speed without crossing the threshold at which relativistic effects would affect structural cohesion. Kinetic impulse drive speed is the same for most types of ships. Due to the enormous power requirements a ship will not be a able to fire weapons while the impulse drive is enabled. Neither of these engines will allow the player the leave the star system. Interstellar travel is only possible using a hyperdrive. A hyperdrive is an expensive piece of equipment with a massive power requirement. Only very large ships will be capable of carrying a hyperspace jump drive. Interstellar travel for the common men is possible through the use of commercial or government owned hyperspace gates. These gates create on-demand hyperspace connections between star systems and provide a safe and easy way to travel. Hyperspace travel is almost instantanious, hyperspace jump would be a more accurate term to describe it. Current hyperspace technology works by making use of weak points in hyperspace, known as hyperspace intersection faults. It takes only takes a reasonable amount of energy to fold local space into such an intersection fault, to create a conduit between both sides of the hyperspace intersection. All a ship has to do is enter the event horizon of the hyperspace conduit (or 'jump hole', as it is commonly called) to travel almost instantaniously to to other side, usualy several lightyears away. Jump gates are built in the vicinity of stable intersection faults and thus have a fixed destination. Ships equiped with a hyperdrive work on the same principle. They seek out a sensitive spot in the hyperspace field and fold local space to punch a hole through the other side. This has several major consequences: a pilot has to determine has destination by finding a good departure point in local space. Also, only a small number of connections between systems will be possible. Hyperspace intersection faults are large (planetary orbit scale) and while they are attracted to gravity wells like a star, they do not like to share their space. Note that is theoreticly possible to fold normal space deep enough into hyperspace to create a jump holes across galactic scales. It would probably take a generator the size of a large moon to achieve it. Fleets As the player earns money, he will hopefully eventually be able to buy large ships. The flagship The player's fleet is limited to one convoy. The convoy's task is to protect the flagship. The player can be in control of any ship in his fleet. ... More like a convoy. ... about fleet combat Once the flagship is destroyed, the convoy is lost. The player respawns at base with the flagships and any ships docked on it while it was destroyed. Other cargo and other ships it the convoy are lost. Planet and Stations Star systems are inhabited with planets and stations. ... Dockable planets or stations are bases ... Some bases provide storage facilities where players can put items like weapons or spare parts in storage. Objects in space Weapons What kind of weapons are there. how do they work. Fighting How does fighting work. Economy Money makes the Universe tick. - Buying - Selling - Trading Cargo - Transporting / Beaming - Mining - (Spare) parts - Fuel - Economy Missions I'd do anything for money, except working.