This file contains ideas for the storyline.
It _will_ contain spoilers.

The concept of zones/sectors is still on the TODO list.



Ghant System
	Planet Ghant
	Alexandria outpost
	Battleship custodian

	Planet Seymour
	Regula mining operation

	asteroid field

Central worlds:

	Planet Lindblade

I. Chocolate milk

A cup of steaming hot chocolate milk! There were times I would have
laughed it the mere idea, but in these outskirts of the galaxy
chocolate was a hard to find commodity. And fresh milk? You'd have to
have almost criminal connections to find it. fortunatly I had, and I did.
These were times for celebration. I had spend the loan I managed to get 
from the local planetairy bank on a small transort ship and I had just 
finished my first day of <insert silly ore here> transport from the Regula mining
operation to Alexandria outpost. Not the glorious life I had gotten used
to on the central planets, but at least a decent one with its small pleasures
once in a while, like the cup of chocolate milk. The hundred credits I payed
for it made sure it rivaled the best Keldorian brandy, without the flavour
of slightly fermented rodent droppings and the associated legendary hangover.

I almost felt like home and the small room I rented above the local bar
started to feel like one. After I left the central planets, I ended up on
Alexandria where the local bartender was kind enough to offer me a job
in his modest establishment. He probably did it more out of sympathy then anything
else, but as it turned it, I'm great at doing the dishes and I always enjoyed
our conversations. That is, until last week, when I met Brent.

I never really got to know him very well but he must have remembered me from high
school. I was sitting at the bar when he suddenly tapped my shoulder. My memories
of him were vague. As he sat down, I ordered him a drink. We had some chit-chat,
We shared a few memories of distant times but it didn't take hime very long to come
to the point.

Brent was the business type. "The rising star of the Regula mining operations,
overseeing all shipments of <fancy ore> in the Ghant system", to quote his words.
His phrases like "A smart man could make a fortune" sounded rather hollow to me,
but he did have a point. 500 runs to Regula to pay the loan for the ship.
Another 1500 more to get myself a ship big enough to hold a small cabin with all the
luxuries a simple life could need.

Repetetive? Boring? Perfect! Add an autopilot and this life could be more relaxing
then a luxury vacantion on Lantia. With this simple business but rock-solid plan
laid out in front of me I managed to convince the manager of the local planetairy
bank to provide me with the necessary funds for my operation which were quickly 
exchanged for Micron Corporation's latest Vector model. It's a small ship: 
the cockpit, a living compartment with a sleeping corner and a cargo hold 
just big enough to hold a few metric tons of whatever the owner had in mind.
All it misses is a pair of blasters to shoot the mosquitos from the windshield.

That would have added another 50 runs to the price.

The first two runs went smooth. Nothing unexpected. Pick up supplies at Alexandria,
fly all the way to the Regula mining operation station, exchange the supplies
for a shipment of <insert silly ore name here> and head back.

Cali Prime 
the something Consortium representative