version 0.1:
	fix turning (needs more testing)
	fix cl_prediction (or not)
	zone/entity network interaction (ok)
	targetting system (ok)

version 0.2:
	server-client event system, hit-once lightweight entities
	explosion events
	weapons fire events

	model trigger_dock
version 0.3:

	write a filesystem based on streams
	write handlers for zip
	fs_homedir, to define the writeable directory
	fs_datadir, readonly package datadir
	fs_base, fs_mod, fs_game, to be used by modules
	engine flare key (ok)
	split map loader from model (ok)
	model fragments (ok)

	support model parts (e.g. func_group, func_rotate, func_door)

	connection to remote game (ok)
	read/write configuration file (ok)
	split client and server configuration (ok)
	parse command line options (ok)
	execute command line options (ok)
	globe entity (ok)
	refactor 'say', it should not be a game function (ok)
	execute config files (ok)
	support entity secondairy color (ok)
	toggle func to toggle a bool cvar (ok)

	game module loading/unloading (breaks network proto, server must send module type)
	zone changes, clear entities

	UDP datagrams (ok)
	buffered sends (ok)
	client connection state (ok)
	zlib compression (partial)
	protocol version in handshake (ok)
	rcon framework (ok)
	zone changes (ok)
	round thrust/speed on 1/100 (ok)

	protocol description (incomplete)
	private chat
	zone/system chat (requires zones)
	group/clan chat (requires groups)
	rcon authentication, rcon command, servers must be able to disable rcon
	RSA based authentication (player id)

	send clients only updates from the current zone/server-side distance check
	fix lag/client interpolation
	rename cl_prediction to cl_interpolation
	detect and disconnect clients behaving badly
	EXT messages, update extended property "ext id prop value prop value etc", type checking/seperator etc..
	EXT zone/color/shield/armor/health
	stable ent/die

	console chars (ok)
        console text color and wrapping (ok)
	input handler switching (ok)
	key binds (ok)
	better crosshair bitmaps (ok)
	keyboard repeat (ok)
	fix tracking camera (ok)
	shift/ctrl/alt modifier key binds (ok)

	fix camera frustum clip (size issue, postponed)

	view_next, view_prev (ok)
	tracking camera absolute speed/position
	visual feedback on impulse drive
	fast fullscreen/windowed mode switch

	render pipeline (ok)
	.map models (ok)
	write RLE tga screenshots (ok)
	texture registry (ok)
	add small camera light (ok)

	test/fix? lighting without sun in zone.ini
	sun light strenght
	sphere texture distortion at the poles
	PNG support
	impulse drive rendering

	a gui library with widgets and buttons
	convert console and chat to gui

	engine sounds (ok)
	user interface sounds (ok)

	enitity/event positional sounds
	impulse/jump drive sound events

	add impulse drive (ok)

	player credits
	entity health/shield/armor
	gui concept artwork
	jumpgates (required docking)

win32 port:
	network not functional (ok)
	texture loading is broken (ok)
	screenshots are broken (ok)
	sound is broken (ok)

	directory creation is broken