OK Space Cadets, prepare to hurtle through the Cosmos!
So, you have decided to leave your old life behind and explore the universe
of Project::OSiRiON. This guide will show you how to take your first steps
and teach you the basic skills you need to survive these new surroundings.
Before you can be allowed to pilot a space ship, make sure you have reviewed
the installation instructions to ensure
optimal performance of the onboard computer systems. Advanced topics
and server operations are covered by the user manual.
Main menu
When the client has started it will show you the main menu. Click the
Start button to start a game, or click the Internet
button to connect to the test server.
The Options button will open the options menu where you can
customize a number of settings.
When the game has started it will show you the game menu. Click the
Join button to join the game, or click the Disconnect
button to leave the game and return to the main menu.
Later on, you can press f1 to return to the main menu.
You can press ~ at any time to open the command console.
Once you have joined, you will find yourself on Alexandria,
a small trading outpost on the edge of the civilized world.
You begin the game as the proud owner of a small trading vessel and a modest amount of credits.
You're currently docked at a space station and you're looking at a menu with available actions,
but first, we take a look at the icons on the top of the screen. This icons are available most
of the time and open the game's main information windows.
Menu |
Opens the main menu |
Launch |
(not visible in space) If you're docked on a planet or space station, you can use this icon to launch your ship into space. |
Dock |
(not visible when docked) In space, you can use this icon to dock with the selected planet or station |
Home |
When docked, this icon will return you to the planet or station's main menu |
Inventory |
Opens the inventory window |
Map |
Opens the map window |
Chat |
Opens the chat window |
Click on the launch icon to leave the station and launch into space. The launch button will change into a dock button.
After launch, you will be at the helm of your spaceship, right outside the space station.
Let's take a moment to look around. There are three camera views you can choose from:
track, the default mode, cockpit and free.
Press v to switch to the next view.
Press shift + v to switch to the previous view.
Press keypad / to zoom in.
Press keypad * to zoom out.
Zoom is disabled in cockpit view.
If the camera is in free view and mouse control is enabled, you can use the mouse to rotate the
camera around your ship. If mouse control is disabled, you can activate it by clicking
and holding the left mouse button down.
Press spacebar to toggle mouse control on or off.
If mouse control is enabled, the mouse pointer will change into a green circle.
Your spacecraft can be controlled with the mouse and the keyboard. Joystick support is disabled by default
but can be enabled from the command console. The keyboard controls can be used in any camera view.
The bar in the lower left of the screen indicates your thruster. Next to it you will find
the speed indicator. You can use the mouse scrollwheel to set the level of thrust.
Press keypad + to increase thrust.
Press keypad - to decrease thrust.
Press w to fire afterburner.
Press s to reverse engines.
Press a to strafe left.
Press d to strafe right.
Press r to strafe up.
Press f to strafe down.
Press q to roll left.
Press e to roll left.
Press keypad 4 to turn left.
Press keypad 6 to turn right.
Press keypad 8 to pitch up.
Press keypad 2 to pitch down.
Press keypad 7 to roll left.
Press keypad 9 to roll left.
If the camera is in tracking view or cockpit view, you can drag the mouse to
turn your spaceship. If mouse control is disabled, click and hold the left mouse
button while you drag.
Press spacebar to toggle mouse control on or off.