The Osirion Project

The Osirion project is a game engine in the early stages of development. It's written in C++ and uses SDL, OpenGL, OpenAL and zlib. With this project I want to get some insight in the involved technologies and game development in general.

The goal is to create an engine that uses common file formats and a game world that is easy to edit. In other words, you should not have to be a rocket scientist to create something yourself.

World data is loaded from plain text .ini files, object models are loaded from quake2-style .map files. Support files for GtkRadiant 1.5 are included with the game data.


Project::OSiRiON is the name of the game that uses the Osirion Project engine. The game is located in a still unnamed region of space with gameplay inspired by games like Freelancer and Privateer.

Right now the game world is a rather large sandbox. You can fly around in different ships and explore the solar system, but important features like weapons, docking and collision detection are not yet implemented.


The documentation is divided into several sections:

Project contributors

Ingar=KCT= Project lead, programming, models, graphics
[mDc]Thorn Technical advisor, Sharkan model, Horizon model, alpha testing
Supertanker Station 15 model, Supertanker model, Avatar model, Bumblebee model
Josky=KCT= Shuttle model, alpha testing
alpha testing


The website for the osirion project can be found at:


The official Osirion IRC channel is #osirion on


This project could not have been possible without the work of others:


The Osirion Project source code, the Project::OSiRiON game data and related files are distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.

This includes the source code, project documentation and game data.

Copyright © 2007-2008
Stijn "Ingar" Buys <>

Contact me if you want to use (portions of) this project under a non-compatible, but otherwise free, licence.


QUAKE and ID are registered trademarks of Id Software, Inc.
LEGO is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group.

The Osirion Project is an independent not-for-profit project and is not affiliated with these companies.