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	<TITLE>Project::OSiRiON - Documentation</TITLE>


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<div class="banner">
	<img src="images/banner.png" ALT="Project::OSiRiON">

<div class="text">
  Project::OSiRiON is a 3D space game under development. Its goal is to create an emersive
  universe with open gameplay inspired by classic titles such as Privateer and Freelancer.
  The basic components are already in place: the game supports network multiplayer,
  an ingame command console, 3D models in a Radiant compatible .map format and a 
  renderer that should provide an acceptable framerate, even on older systems.
  All game world data is loaded from easy to edit text files and each server can
  offer its own customized game world.
  The main gameplay elements have not yet been implemented: players are able to purchase new ships and
  visit many places across the galaxy, but important features like collision detection,
  weapons and cargo are still missing.
  The engine is written in C++ and uses portable libraries like SDL, OpenGL, OpenAL and zlib.
  Both linux and windows versions are supported but it probably compiles on most systems
  supported by gcc and SDL.

<div id="content" class="title">
<div class="text">
		<li><a href="installation.html">Installation Instructions</a>
		<li><a href="guide.html">Player Guide</a>
		<li><a href="manual.html">User Manual</a>
		<li><a href="world.html">Editing the world</a>
		<li><a href="models.html">Creating models</a>
		 <li><a href="attributions.html">Attributions</a>

<div id="contributors" class="title">
	Project Contributors

<div class="text">
		<td>Stijn "Ingar" Buys</td>
		<td>Project head, programming, modelling, graphics, sounds, world

		<td>Evan "Odin" Goers</td>
		<td>Modelling, graphics, world</td>

		<td>Design advice, graphics, modelling

		<td>Cody "Supertanker" Jackson</td>

		<td>Design advice

		Alpha testing

<div id="internet" class="title">
<div class="text">
	The website for Project::OSiRiON can be found at
	<a href="http://ingar.satgnu.net/osirion">http://ingar.satgnu.net/osirion</a>
	The official IRC channel is <i>#osirion</i> on the FreeNode IRC network.

<div id="copyright" class="title">
<div class="text">
	The source code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
	<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html">GNU General Public License</a>.
	The game data is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
	<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">Create Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License</a>.<br>
	A few files are distributed under the terms of a different license.
	Please read the <A href="attributions.html">list of attributions</a> for a complete overview
	of authors and copyright.
	Copyright &copy; 2007-2009<br> 
	Stijn "Ingar" Buys &lt;ingar@telenet.be&gt;

<div id="acknowledgements" class="title">
<div class="text">
	This project could not have been possible without the work of others:
		<li>Id Software
		<li>the GtkRadiant project contributers
		<li>The Quake2World community
		<li>The Satgnu crew
		<li>maci, for the webspace on satgnu
		<li>DVSoftware for bandwidth, diskpace and CPU power
		<li>NASA for their collection of freely available images
		<li>Thanks to bobke and blaze-x
		<li>A special thanks to all =KCT= members
	QUAKE and ID are registered trademarks of Id Software, Inc.<br>
	LEGO is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group.
	Project::OSiRiON is an independent, not-for-profit project 
	and is not affiliated with these companies.
