Starting the client will show the loader screen. To start the game, open the client console with the ~ key and type connect. You will join the game as spectator, type join in the console to join the game. Type spectate to spectate again. Type disconnect to return to the loader screen.
The client is capable of acting as a networked server. You can enable the private server by setting sv_private 1 before you connect. This wil allow remote players to connect to your client.
To connect to a dedicated server, type connect address, where adress is the hostname or IP address of the remote server.
In-game, you can aquire a ship with the buy command.
Keyboard controls can be configured with the bind command. A key can be bound to an action or a console command. An action always starts with a plus or minus sign.
To bind the keypad left key to the turn left action:
bind kpleft +left
To bind the P key to the screenshot command:
bind p screenshot
You can use the list_binds command to get a list of currently bound keys. Use the 'list_keys' command to get a list of all available key names.
The default configuration:
~ | toggle console |
V | switch between track, cockpit and free view |
space bar | toggle mouse control on or off |
left right up down arrow | rotate camera in free view |
keypad left right up down | steer the ship left/right/up/down |
keypad / * | roll left/right |
keypad + - | increase/decrease forward thruster |
T | open the chat window |
print screen | screenshot |
connect | connect the client to the game module |
disconnect | disconnect the client from the game module |
list_ent | list registered entities |
list_func | list registered functions |
list_model | list registered models |
list_var | list registered variables |
quit | exit the application |
r_restart | restart the video subsystem |
The following commands are available when you are connected to a game:
join | join the game |
spectate | spectate |
buy | purchase a new ship |
who | list connected players |
To change the video resolution, set the r_width and r_height variables and execute r_restart. e.g.: to set the video mode to 1024x768 type:
r_width 1024 r_height 768 r_restartTo switch to fullscreen mode, set the r_fullscreen variable to 1:
r_fullscreen 1 r_restart
You can set your name and player color through the cl_color and cl_name variables. Note that your ship's colour won't change until you buy a new one.
cl_name SpaceCowboy cl_color 1.0 1.0 0.0 connect
To activate statistics, set the draw_stats variable to 1:
draw_stats 1
This will draw the following statistics on the right side of the screen: fps frames per second tris number of triangles drawn quads number of quads drawn tx network upstream traffic, in kilobytes rx network downstream traffic, in kilobyte
The fps counter will not show values above 9999.
Variables marked with the 'A' flag will be archived, their value will be written to the configuration file on exit. The dedicated server reads its configuration from server.cfg, the client will use client.cfg. Keyboard binds will be saved to binds.cfg
On UNIX systems you can find these files in the directory ~/.osirion/base.
If you delete these files, the default configuration will be restored.
By default, the dedicated server will accept incoming connections on UDP port 8042. The server console os available if ncurses support was enabled at compile time.
If you have trouble connecting, try editing the server configuration file server.cfg and change the net_server variable to the server's actual IP address. The default listening port can be altered by changing the net_port variable.
Both the client and the dedicated server can parse command line options. Any console command can be added to the command line with + sign.
To start a client and connect to a remote server:
osirion +connect
To start a client and create a new network game:
osirion +set sv_private 1 +connect +join
To start a dedicated server and set the server framerate to 30 frames per second:
osiriond +set sv_framerate 30
Note: setting variables from the command line can result in weird values being written to client.cfg and server.cfg. If you run into problems, check those files or delete them.
On windows32, the game uses the home subdirectory as your personal directory. For example, the client.ini can be found as home\base\client.ini. There is also a problem that prevents the game from creating directories. If you need any subdirectories in your personal folder, like screenshots, you will have to create it manually.