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	<TITLE>The Osirion Project - Editing the world</TITLE>
	The Osirion Project - Editing the world
	One of the goals of the project is to create a game world that is
	easy to adapt and extend. At the moment of writing, the game reads the 
	world description from <i>ini/world.ini</i> and a list of buyable ships 
	from <i>ini/ships.ini</i>. These ini-files are plain text files that can be
	edited with any text editor.
	The world description files are server-side. This means that editing your local
	copies will not affect the world when you connect to a remote server. Someone
	connecting to your server will also receive your modified world.
	I recommend you do not edit the original game data, but to make a copy
	into your personal osirion directory. The files found in this directory will
	get precedence over the original game data. Your modified files will be used
	and the original files can still be updated when a new version is available.
	On Linux your personal osirion directory is <i>~/.osirion</i>. On windows, your
	personal osirion directory is the <i>home</i> subdirectory of the main distribution.

	File structure
	A world description files uses the windows ini-file syntax. These files contain one or more sections.
	Every section starts with a section name enclosed in square brackets and contains a list of 
	<i>value=key</i> pairs to describe the properties for the current section. 
	Lines starting with a semicolon are considered comments and are ignored.
	For example, a section <i>planet</i> describing an iceworld:
; The iceworld, a very dark and cold place
name=The World of Ice

	The <i>world.ini</i> file describes the objects in the game world and their basic properties. 
	In the context of the engine, an object is called an <i>entity</i>.
	Entities come in two flavours: basic geometrical shapes and entities with models. Both have a similar
	definition and set of properties. A simple entity is considered decoration by the engine and won't change
	direction or location.
	Every in-game entity should have a <i>label</i> key. If the entity in question is going to be used as a base,
	or any object the could be referenced in possible scripting, it should have a unique label. The label
	should be lowercase and not contain spaces. A player-friendly name can be provided through the <i>name</i> key.
		<td class="wide"><i>label =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>[string]</strong></td>
		<td>the in-game label of the entity</td>
		<td class="wide"><i>name =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>[string]</strong></td>
		<td>the in-game name of the entity</td>
	Set the <i>shape</i> key to define a basic geometrical shape:
		<td class="wide"><i>shape =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>axis</strong></td>
		<td>a 3d-axis with X, Y and Z lines.
		<td class="wide"></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>cube</strong></td>
		<td>a cube</td>
		<td class="wide"></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>diamond</strong></td>
		<td>a regular octahedron with an axis</td>
		<td class="wide"></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>sphere</strong></td>
		<td>a polyhedron approximation of a sphere</td>
	The size of the entity can be set with the <i>radius</i> key:
		<td class="wide"><i>radius =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>[float]<strong></td>
		<td>the radius of the entity in game units</td>
	An entity with a model can be created by setting the <i>model</i> key. The radius of a model is automaticly
		<td class="wide"><i>model =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>[string]</strong></td>
		<td>filename of the model in the <i>maps/</i> directory, without extension.</td>

	The <i>color</i> key sets the colour of the entity.This colour will be used to draw the entity in case of 
	a geometrical shape, or to draw model faces that have the <i>common/entity</i> texture. The default entity colour is white.
		<td class="wide"><i>color =</i></td>
		<td><strong>[float] [float] [float]</strong></td>
		<td>entity colour with RGB values in the 0.0 - 1.0 or 0 - 255 range</td>
	The <i>location</i> sets the in-game position:
		<td class="wide"><i>location =</i></td>
		<td><strong>[float] [float] [float]</strong></td>
		<td>x, y, z values of the entity location, z is up</td>
	Orientation can be set thought the <i>direction</i>, <i>pitch</i>, and <i>roll</i> keys:
		<td class="wide"><i>direction =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>[float]</strong></td>
		<td>direction angle the entity is pointing to. 0 degrees is north, 90 degrees is west, default is 0
		<td class="wide"><i>pitch =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>[float]</strong></td>
		<td>pitch angle, default is 0<td>
		<td class="wide"><i>roll =</i></td>
		<td class="narrow"><strong>[float]</strong></td>
		<td>roll angle, default is 0<td>
	An example of an entity with a basic shape:

; The Galactic origin
name=Galactic origin
location=0 0 0
; yellow
color=1 1 0

	An example of an entity with a model:
; Alexandria outpost
name=Alexandria outpost
location=-116 -68 16
; light brown
color=222 192 145

	A planet is spherical entity with a texture. and a default radius of 32. The planet globe will
	be rendered with lighting enabled.
; The iceworld, a very dark and cold place
name=The World of Ice
; a grey-blue colour
color =0.5 0.5 0.8

	A star is a spherical entity without texture and a default radius of 48. The star globe 
	will be rendered fullbright and serve as the main source of light for the current system. 
	At the moment only one system light source is supported. If you define multiple stars, 
	the last one will serve as light source.
name=White Dwarf
; a slightly yellow colour
color=1.0 1.0 0.9

	Definition of the shopping list.