   This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under
   the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2


#include <iostream>
#include "sys/sys.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>

#ifdef _OSX
#include "OpenAL/al.h"
#include "OpenAL/alc.h"
#include "AL/al.h"
#include "AL/alc.h"

#include "math/vector3f.h"
#include "math/axis.h"

/// functions to handle audio
namespace audio

/// initialize the audio subsystem
void init();

/// shut down the audio subsystem
void shutdown();

/// reload audio
void reset();

/// load an audio sample
void load(const char *name);

/// play a previously loaded audio sample on the ui channel
size_t play(const char *name);

/// playe a sound from a specific buffer on a specific source
size_t play(size_t source_index, size_t buffer_index, float pitch = 1.0f, float gain = 1.0f);

/// play a looping sound on a specified source
size_t loop(size_t source_index, const char *name, float pitch = 1.0f, float gain = 1.0f);

/// play a looping sound from a specified buffer on a specified source
size_t loop(size_t source_index, size_t buffer_index, float pitch, float gain);

/// stop playback of a specific source
size_t stop(size_t source_index);

/// update source parameters
void update_source(size_t source_index, math::Vector3f const & location, math::Vector3f const & velocity, float pitch = 1.0f, float gain = 1.0f);

/// update listener parameters
void update_listener(math::Vector3f const &location, math::Axis const &axis, math::Vector3f const & velocity, float gain = 1.0f);

/// return true is a source is playing
bool is_playing(const size_t source_index);

/// return true if audio is initialized
bool initialized();
