/* client/hudtargetstatus.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include "client/hudtargetstatus.h" #include "client/targets.h" #include "client/client.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/paint.h" namespace client { HUDTargetStatus::HUDTargetStatus(ui::Widget *parent) : ui::Widget(parent) { set_border(true); set_background(true); set_font(ui::root()->font_tiny()); } void HUDTargetStatus::draw_background() { ui::Paint::draw_material(global_location(), size(), "ui/window"); } void HUDTargetStatus::draw() { const core::Entity *target = targets::current(); if (target) { const float padding = font()->width() * 0.25f; math::Vector2f pos(global_location()); pos[0] += padding; pos[1] += padding; math::Vector2f s(width() - 2.0f * padding, height() - 2.0f * padding); std::ostringstream targetinfostr; if (target->type() == core::Entity::Controlable) { const core::EntityControlable *target_controlable = static_cast(target); if (target_controlable->owner()) { targetinfostr << "^B" << target_controlable->owner()->name() << "\n"; } else { targetinfostr << "^B" << target->name() << "\n"; } if (target->info()) { targetinfostr << "^B" << target->info()->name() << "\n"; } else { targetinfostr << "\n"; } } else { targetinfostr << "^B" << target->name() << "\n"; if (target->info()) { core::game()->request_info(target->info()->id()); targetinfostr << "^B" << target->info()->name() << "\n"; } else { targetinfostr << "\n"; } } float d = math::distance(core::localcontrol()->location(), target->location()) - target->radius() - core::localcontrol()->radius(); if (d > 0) { targetinfostr << "^NDist:^B "; if (d > 100.0f) { targetinfostr << roundf(d * 0.1f) << "km"; } else { targetinfostr << roundf(d * 100.0f) << "m"; } if (core::localcontrol()->speed() > 0.1f) { targetinfostr << "^N ETA:^B "; float eta = floorf(d / core::localcontrol()->speed()); if (eta > 60.0f) { float etamin = floorf(eta / 60.0f); targetinfostr << etamin << "min "; eta -= etamin * 60; } targetinfostr << eta << "sec"; } // } else if (target->has_flag(core::Entity::Dockable)) { // targetinfostr << "^FDock"; } else { targetinfostr << "^B--"; } ui::Paint::set_color(palette()->foreground()); ui::Paint::draw_label(pos, s, font() , targetinfostr.str(), ui::AlignLeft | ui::AlignTop); } } bool HUDTargetStatus::on_keypress(const int key, const unsigned int modifier) { return false; } } // namespace client