   This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under
   the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2


#include "math/axis.h"
#include "math/mathlib.h"
#include "math/vector3f.h"

namespace core
	class ClientState;

#include "core/entity.h"

namespace core

/// Entity client render state
class ClientState {
	ClientState(Entity *entity);


	inline math::Vector3f const & location() { return state_location; }

	inline math::Vector3f const & previouslocation() { return state_previouslocation; }

	inline math::Axis const & previousaxis() { return state_previousaxis; }

	inline math::Axis const & axis() { return state_axis; }

	inline bool visible() const { return state_visible; }

	inline bool detailvisible() const { return state_detailvisible; }

	/// client render fuzz factor
	inline float fuzz() const { return state_fuzz; };

	/// assign the content of an entity
	void assign(Entity *entity);

	math::Vector3f		state_location;
	math::Axis		state_axis;

	math::Vector3f		state_previouslocation;
	math::Axis		state_previousaxis;

	bool			state_visible;
	bool			state_detailvisible;

	float			state_fuzz;
