/* core/inventory.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include <cassert> #include "core/application.h" #include "core/inventory.h" #include "sys/sys.h" namespace core { /* ---- class Inventory -------------------------------------------- */ Inventory::Inventory(const float capacity) { inventory_timestamp = 0; inventory_timestamp_erase = 0; inventory_capacity = capacity; inventory_capacity_used = 0; inventory_dirty = false; } Inventory::~Inventory() { clear(); inventory_timestamp = 0; inventory_timestamp_erase = 0; inventory_capacity = 0; inventory_capacity_used = 0; } void Inventory::set_capacity(const float capacity) { inventory_capacity = capacity; } void Inventory::set_timestamp(const unsigned long timestamp) { inventory_timestamp = timestamp; } void Inventory::set_dirty(const bool dirty) { inventory_dirty = dirty; if (dirty) recalculate(); } void Inventory::add(Item *item) { // assign an id unsigned int id = 0; for (Items::iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->id() > id) { id = (*it)->id(); } } id++; item->set_id(id); inventory_items.push_back(item); } void Inventory::erase(Item *item) { for (Items::iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { if ((*it) == item) { delete (*it); (*it) = 0; inventory_items.erase(it); inventory_timestamp_erase = (game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1); return; } } } void Inventory::erase(const unsigned int id) { for (Items::iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->id() == id) { delete (*it); (*it) = 0; inventory_items.erase(it); inventory_timestamp_erase = (game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1); return; } } } Item *Inventory::find(Item *item) const { for (Items::const_iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { if ((*it) == item) { return item; } } return 0; } Item *Inventory::find(const Info *info) const { // sarch the inventory for a specified item type for (Items::const_iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { Item *item = (*it); if (item->info() == info) { return item; } } // not found return 0; } Item *Inventory::find(const unsigned int id) const { // sarch the inventory for a specified item id for (Items::const_iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { Item *item = (*it); if (item->id() == id) { return item; } } // not found return 0; } void Inventory::clear() { for (Items::iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { Item *item = (*it); delete item; } inventory_items.clear(); inventory_capacity_used = 0; } void Inventory::recalculate() { inventory_capacity_used = 0; for (Items::const_iterator it = inventory_items.begin(); it != inventory_items.end(); ++it) { const Item *item = (*it); inventory_capacity_used += item->amount() * item->info()->volume(); } } void Inventory::serialize_server_update(std::ostream & os) const { os << capacity() << " "; } void Inventory::receive_server_update(std::istream &is) { is >> inventory_capacity; } const long Inventory::max_amount(const long credits, const long price, const float volume) const { if ((price * volume) == 0) { return 0; } return math::min((long)(capacity_available() / volume), credits / price); } } // namespace core