   This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under
   the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2

#include "sys/sys.h"
#include "core/application.h"
#include "core/item.h"

namespace core

/* ---- class Item ------------------------------------------------- */

// Note: initializing the timestamp with 1 instead of 0 is a small hack
// since cient-side inventory timestamps are initialized at 0, setting
// the item timestamp to 0 would prevent the client from updating 
// the trade window the first time it is opened on a base

Item::Item(const Info *info)
	item_info = info;
	item_amount = 0;
	item_flags = 0;
	item_id = 0;
	item_price = info->price();
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

	item_info = 0;
	item_amount = 0;
	item_flags = 0;
	item_price = 0;
	item_id = 0;

void Item::set_info(const Info *info)
	item_info = info;

void Item::set_id(const unsigned int id)
	item_id = id;

void Item::set_flags(const unsigned int flags)
	item_flags = flags;
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

void Item::set_flag(Flags flag)
	item_flags |= flag;
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

void Item::unset_flag(Flags flag)
	item_flags &= ~flag;
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

void Item::set_amount(const long amount)
	item_amount = amount;
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

void Item::inc_amount(const long amount)
	item_amount += amount;
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

void Item::dec_amount(const long amount)
	item_amount -= amount;
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

void Item::set_price(const long price)
	item_price = price;
	set_timestamp(game() ? game()->timestamp() : 1);

void Item::set_timestamp(const unsigned long timestamp)
	item_timestamp = timestamp;

void Item::serialize_server_update(std::ostream & os) const
	os << amount() << " " << price() << " " << flags() << " ";

void Item::receive_server_update(std::istream &is)
	is >> item_amount;
	is >> item_price;
	is >> item_flags;

} // namespace core