/* core/reputation.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include "core/reputation.h" namespace core { Reputation::Reputation() { } Reputation::~Reputation() { clear(); } void Reputation::clear() { for (FactionReps::iterator it = reputation_factionreps.begin(); it != reputation_factionreps.end(); ++it) { delete (*it); (*it) = 0; } reputation_factionreps.clear(); } void Reputation::assign(const Reputation &other) { clear(); for (FactionReps::const_iterator it = other.reputation_factionreps.begin(); it != other.reputation_factionreps.end(); ++it) { FactionRep *factionrep = new FactionRep((*it)->faction(), (*it)->reputation()); reputation_factionreps.push_back(factionrep); } } const Info *Reputation::find(const Info *faction) const { for (FactionReps::const_iterator it = reputation_factionreps.begin(); it != reputation_factionreps.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->faction() == faction) { return (*it)->faction(); } } return 0; } const float Reputation::reputation(const Info *faction) const { if (!faction) { return 0.0f; } for (FactionReps::const_iterator it = reputation_factionreps.begin(); it != reputation_factionreps.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->faction() == faction) { return (*it)->reputation(); } } return 0.0f; } void Reputation::set_faction(const std::string &label, const Info *faction) { for (FactionReps::const_iterator it = reputation_factionreps.begin(); it != reputation_factionreps.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->label().compare(label) == 0) { (*it)->set_faction(faction); } } } void Reputation::set_reputation(const std::string &label, const float reputation) { for (FactionReps::const_iterator it = reputation_factionreps.begin(); it != reputation_factionreps.end(); ++it) { if (((*it)->faction() && (label.compare((*it)->faction()->label()) == 0)) || ((*it)->label().compare(label) == 0)) { (*it)->set_reputation(reputation); return; } } FactionRep *factionrep = new FactionRep(label, reputation); reputation_factionreps.push_back(factionrep); } void Reputation::set_reputation(const Info *faction, const float reputation) { for (FactionReps::const_iterator it = reputation_factionreps.begin(); it != reputation_factionreps.end(); ++it) { if ((!(*it)->faction() && ((*it)->label().compare(faction->label()) == 0)) || ((*it)->faction() == faction)) { (*it)->set_reputation(reputation); return; } } FactionRep *factionrep = new FactionRep(faction, reputation); reputation_factionreps.push_back(factionrep); } } // namespace core