/* base/patrol.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include "base/patrol.h" #include "base/game.h" namespace game { /* --- WayPoint atrol ------------------------------------------------------ */ Patrol::WayPoint::WayPoint() { waypoint_target = 0; waypoint_dock = false; } Patrol::WayPoint::~WayPoint() { waypoint_target = 0; } void Patrol::WayPoint::set_target_label(const std::string &label) { waypoint_target_label.assign(label); } void Patrol::WayPoint::set_target(core::Entity *entity) { waypoint_target = entity; } void Patrol::WayPoint::set_dock(const bool dock) { waypoint_dock = dock; } void Patrol::WayPoint::set_buy_label(const std::string &label) { waypoint_buy_label.assign(label); } /* --- Patrol ------------------------------------------------------ */ Patrol::Patrol() : core::Entity() { // this is a server-side only entity set_serverside(true); unset_flag(core::Entity::ShowOnMap); set_flag(core::Entity::NonSolid); entity_moduletypeid = patrol_enttype; set_label("patrol"); set_radius(1.0f); patrol_profile = NPC::ProfilePatrol; } Patrol::~Patrol() { for (WayPoints::iterator it = patrol_waypoints.begin(); it != patrol_waypoints.end(); ++it) { delete (*it); (*it) = 0; } patrol_waypoints.clear(); } void Patrol::set_profile(const NPC::Profile profile) { patrol_profile = profile; } void Patrol::validate() { int waypoint_counter = 1; for (WayPoints::iterator it = patrol_waypoints.begin(); it != patrol_waypoints.end(); ++it) { WayPoint *waypoint = (*it); if (waypoint->target_label().size() == 0) { con_warn << " Patrol '" << label() << "' WayPoint " << waypoint_counter << " has no target" << "'\n"; break; } std::string entitylabel; std::string zonelabel; core::Zone *targetzone = 0; size_t pos = waypoint->target_label().find(':'); if ((pos == std::string::npos) || (pos < 1) || (pos >= (waypoint->target_label().size() - 1))) { targetzone = zone(); zonelabel.assign(zone()->label()); entitylabel.assign(waypoint->target_label()); } else { zonelabel.assign(waypoint->target_label().substr(0, pos)); entitylabel.assign(waypoint->target_label().substr(pos + 1, waypoint->target_label().size() - pos)); core::Zone::find(zonelabel); if (!targetzone) { con_warn << " Patrol '" << label() << "' waypoint " << waypoint_counter << " has invalid target zone '" << zonelabel << "'\n"; break; } } core::Entity *targetentity = targetzone->find_entity(entitylabel); if (!targetentity) { con_warn << " Patrol '" << label() << "' waypoint " << waypoint_counter << " has unknown target '" << entitylabel << "' in zone '" << zonelabel << "'\n"; break; } if(waypoint->dock() && !targetentity->has_flag(core::Entity::Dockable)) { con_warn << " Patrol '" << label() << "' waypoint " << waypoint_counter << " set to dock at non-doackable target '" << entitylabel << "' in zone '" << zonelabel << "'\n"; } waypoint->set_target(targetentity); } // remove invalid waypoints for (WayPoints::iterator it = patrol_waypoints.begin(); it != patrol_waypoints.end(); ) { WayPoint *waypoint = (*it); if (!waypoint->target()) { delete waypoint; (*it) = 0; patrol_waypoints.erase(it++); } else { ++it; } } size_t nbships = 0; for (core::Inventory::Items::const_iterator it = inventory()->items().begin(); it != inventory()->items().end(); it++) { core::Item *item = (*it); if (item->info()->type() == ShipModel::infotype()) { nbships++; } } if (patrol_waypoints.size() == 0) { con_warn << " Patrol '" << label() << "' without waypoints" << "\n"; die(); } else if (nbships == 0) { con_warn << " Patrol '" << label() << "' without ship types" << "\n"; die(); } else { con_debug << " " << label() << " patrol with " << patrol_waypoints.size() << "waypoints" << " and " << nbships << " ship " << aux::plural("type", nbships) << std::endl; } } Patrol::WayPoint *Patrol::add_waypoint() { WayPoint *waypoint = new WayPoint(); patrol_waypoints.push_back(waypoint); return waypoint; } void Patrol::frame(const unsigned long elapsed) { } }