/* intro/convoy.h This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include "intro/convoy.h" namespace intro { Member::Member(std::string const &model) : core::EntityControlable(0, 1) { set_name("Convoy member"); set_label(model); entity_modelname = "ships/" + model; entity_thrust = 1.0f; entity_speed = 1.0f; entity_location.x = -16.0f; entity_location.y = -math::randomf(8.0f); entity_location.z = math::randomf(8.0f) - 6.0f; entity_axis.change_direction(15.0f); } Member::~Member() { } void Member::frame(float seconds) { entity_location += entity_axis.forward() * speed() * thrust() * seconds; } Convoy::Convoy(core::Zone *zone) { convoy_zone = zone; } Convoy::~Convoy() { convoy_members.clear(); } void Convoy::set_color(math::Color const &color) { convoy_color.assign(color); } void Convoy::set_color_second(math::Color const &color) { convoy_color_second.assign(color); } void Convoy::add(const char *model) { add(std::string(model)); } void Convoy::add(std::string const &model) { Member *member = new Member(model); convoy_members.push_back(member); member->set_zone(convoy_zone); member->entity_color.assign(convoy_color); member->entity_color_second.assign(convoy_color_second); } void Convoy::frame(float seconds) { for (Members::iterator it = convoy_members.begin(); it != convoy_members.end(); ) { Member *member = (*it); if (member->location().length() > 64.0f) { std::string model(member->label()); member->die(); convoy_members.erase(it++); add(model); } else { ++it; } } } }