/* intro/intro.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include "intro/intro.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/parser.h" #include "filesystem/filesystem.h" #include "filesystem/inifile.h" #include "math/color.h" #include "sys/sys.h" namespace intro { core::Module *factory() { return new Intro(); } Intro::Intro() : core::Module("Project::OSiRiON", false) { if (!load_world()) { abort(); return; } core::Func *func = 0; func = core::Func::add("intro", Intro::func_intro); func->set_info("[int] view specified introduction"); } bool Intro::load_world() { std::string filename("ini/intro"); filesystem::IniFile ini; ini.open(filename); if (!ini.is_open()) { con_error << "Could not open " << ini.name() << std::endl; return false; } core::Zone *zone = 0; Convoy *convoy = 0; std::string strval; core::EntityGlobe *globe = 0; core::Entity *entity = 0; math::Color color; math::Vector3f v; float f; bool b; while (ini.getline()) { if (ini.got_section()) { if (ini.got_section("intro")) { zone = new core::Zone("intro"); zone->set_name("Introduction"); zone->set_sky("sky"); core::Zone::add(zone); } else if (ini.got_section("entity")) { if (zone) { entity = new core::Entity(); } } else if (ini.got_section("convoy")) { if (zone) { convoy = new Convoy(zone); } } else if (ini.got_section("globe")) { if (zone) { globe = new core::EntityGlobe(); globe->set_zone(zone); } } else { ini.unknown_section(); } } else if (zone && ini.got_key()) { if (ini.in_section("intro")) { if (ini.got_key_string("label", strval)) { zone->set_label(strval); } else if (ini.got_key_string("sky", strval)) { zone->set_sky(strval); } else if (ini.got_key()) { ini.unkown_key(); } } else if (ini.in_section("entity")) { if (core::Parser::got_entity_key(ini, entity)) { entity->set_radius(0); continue; } else { ini.unkown_key(); } } else if (ini.in_section("convoy")) { if (ini.got_key_string("label", strval)) { convoy->set_label(strval); } else if (ini.got_key_color("color", color)) { convoy->set_color(color); } else if (ini.got_key_color("colorsecond", color)) { convoy->set_color_second(color); } else if (ini.got_key_vector3f("location", v)) { convoy->get_location().assign(v); } else if (ini.got_key_float("direction", f)) { convoy->get_axis().change_direction(f); } else if (ini.got_key_float("speed", f)) { convoy->set_speed(f); } else if (ini.got_key_string("ship", strval)) { convoy->add(strval); } else if (ini.got_key()) { ini.unkown_key(); } } else if (ini.in_section("globe")) { if (core::Parser::got_entity_key(ini, globe)) { continue; } else if (ini.got_key_string("texture", globe->entity_texture)) { continue; } else if (ini.got_key_float("rotationspeed", globe->entity_rotationspeed)) { continue; } else if (ini.got_key_bool("bright", b)) { if (b) { globe->set_flag(core::Entity::Bright); } } else if (ini.got_key()) { ini.unkown_key(); } } } } // set entity radius where required for (core::Entity::Registry::iterator it = core::Entity::registry().begin(); it != core::Entity::registry().end(); it++) { entity = (*it).second; if (!entity->radius() && entity->model()) { entity->set_radius(entity->model()->radius()); } if (!entity->radius()) { entity->set_radius(0.5f); } } return true; } void Intro::player_connect(core::Player *player) { core::Zone::Registry::iterator it = core::Zone::registry().begin(); if (it != core::Zone::registry().end()) { size_t m = math::randomi(core::Zone::registry().size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++) { it++; } player->set_zone((*it).second); } } void Intro::player_disconnect(core::Player *player) { } void Intro::frame(float seconds) { } Intro::~Intro() { core::Func::remove("intro"); } void Intro::func_intro(core::Player *player, std::string const &args) { std::stringstream str(args); size_t id; if (str >> id) { core::Zone *zone = core::Zone::find(id); if (zone) { player->set_zone(zone); } else { core::Zone::list(); } } else { core::Zone::list(); } } }