/* math/vector3f.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #ifndef __INCLUDED_MATH_VECTOR3F_H__ #define __INCLUDED_MATH_VECTOR3F_H__ // project headers #include "math/vector3f.h" // C++ headers #include namespace math { /// a point or vector in 3D-space /** An instance of this class represents a point in 3D-space or a 3D-vector * and forms the basic building block for all spatial calculations. */ class Vector3f { public: /// Default constructor, creates a Vector3f (0,0,0) Vector3f(); /// Copy constructor /** Create a new Vector3f that is a copy from an other * @param other the vector to copy values from */ Vector3f(const Vector3f &other); /// Create a Vector3f with given coordinates /** @param x the x-coordinate of the location * @param y the y-coordinate of the location * @param z the z-coordinate of the location */ Vector3f(const float x, const float y, const float z); /// Destructor ~Vector3f(); /* -- Assignment operators -- */ /// assign (0, 0, 0) void clear(); /// assignment void assign(const float x, const float y, const float z); /// assignment void assign(Vector3f const & other); /// assignment operator Vector3f& operator=(const Vector3f &other); /// multiplicate each element of the vector with a given value /** @param scalar multiplication factor */ Vector3f& operator*=(const float scalar); /// divide each element of the vector by a given value /** @param scalar divider */ Vector3f& operator/=(const float scalar); /// perform an element-wise subtraction Vector3f& operator-=(const Vector3f &other); /// perform an element-wise addition Vector3f& operator+=(const Vector3f &other); /* -- Mathematical operators -- */ /// return this Vector multiplied with scalar Vector3f operator*(const float scalar) const; /// return this vector divided by a scalar Vector3f operator/(const float scalar) const; /// return the element-wise difference between two vectors Vector3f operator-(const Vector3f &other) const; /// return the element-wise sum of two vectors Vector3f operator+(const Vector3f &other) const; /// comparison operator bool operator==(const Vector3f &other) const; /// assign a value to an element of this vector /*! WARNING: range is not checked * @param index the index of the element to assign to ( 0 <= index < 3 ) */ inline float& operator[](const unsigned int index) { return coord[index]; } /// returns the value of an element of this vector /*! WARNING: range is not checked * @param index the index of the element to return ( 0 <= index < 3 ) */ inline float operator[](const unsigned int index) const { return coord[index]; } /// Return the cartesian length of this vector float length() const; /// Return the cartesian length squared (to speed up calculations) float lengthsquared() const; /// Divide this Vector by it's length /// @see normalized() /// WARNING: vector must not be (0, 0, 0) void normalize(); /// a pointer to the internal data inline float *ptr() const { return (float *) coord; } /* static functions */ /// Returns the unity vector on the X-axis static inline Vector3f Xaxis() { return Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } /// Returns the unity vector on the Y-axis static inline Vector3f Yaxis() { return Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } /// Returns the unity vector on the Z-axis static inline Vector3f Zaxis() { return Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } /// Return the cartesian length of a vector static inline float length(const Vector3f& vector) { return vector.length(); } /// Return a vector divided by it's length /// @see normalize() /// WARNING: vector must not be (0, 0, 0) static inline Vector3f normalized(const Vector3f& vector) { return (vector / vector.length()); } float &x; float &y; float &z; private: float coord[3]; }; /// Write a Vector3f to a std::ostream std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream & os, Vector3f const & vector); /// Read a Vector3d from a std::istream std::istream &operator>>(std::istream & is, Vector3f & vector); /// scalar * Vector3f operators Vector3f operator*(float scalar, const Vector3f& vector); /// vector cross product const Vector3f crossproduct(Vector3f const & first, Vector3f const & second); /// vector dot product float dotproduct(const Vector3f& first, const Vector3f& second); /// distance between two vectors float distance(const Vector3f& first, const Vector3f& second); /// distance between two vectors squared float distancesquared(const Vector3f& first, const Vector3f& second); } // namespace math #endif // __INCLUDED_MATH_VECTOR3F_H__