/* model/map.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include "auxiliary/functions.h" #include "filesystem/filesystem.h" #include "math/mathlib.h" #include "model/map.h" #include "model/material.h" #include "model/model.h" #include "model/vertexarray.h" #include "sys/sys.h" #include #include #include namespace model { // function to test spawnflags inline bool spawnflag_isset(unsigned int spawnflags, unsigned int flag) { return ((spawnflags & flag) == flag); } // max geometry bounds const float MAX_BOUNDS = 16384; const float MIN_DELTA = 10e-10; Map::Map() : map_center(0,0,0) { mapfile_name.clear(); map_brushes = 0; map_faces = 0; map_faces_detail = 0; } Map::~Map() { clear_materials(); } void Map::clear_materials() { for (Materials::iterator mit = map_materials.begin(); mit != map_materials.end(); mit++) { // delete list of primitives delete(*mit).second; } map_materials.clear(); } bool Map::open(std::string const & mapname) { last_read_was_classname = false; last_read_was_key = false; key_current = ""; value_current = ""; classname_current = ""; line_number = 0; parse_level = 0; clear_materials(); mapfile_name.assign("maps/"); mapfile_name.append(mapname); mapfile_name.append(".map"); mapfile_ifs.open(mapfile_name); if (!mapfile_ifs.is_open()) { return false; } return true; } bool Map::got_classname() const { return last_read_was_classname; } bool Map::got_classname(const char * classnamelabel) const { return (last_read_was_classname && (classname_current.compare(classnamelabel) == 0)); } bool Map::got_classend(const char * classnamelabel) const { return (last_read_was_classend && (classname_current.compare(classnamelabel) == 0)); } bool Map::getline() { using math::Vector3f; last_read_was_classname = false; last_read_was_key = false; last_read_was_classend = false; key_current = ""; value_current = ""; if (!mapfile_ifs.is_open()) return false; char data[1024]; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); if (mapfile_ifs.getline(data, 1023)) { line_number++; std::istringstream linestream(data); std::string firstword; if (linestream >> firstword) { if (!firstword.size()) { return true; } else if (firstword == "//") { return true; } else if (firstword == "{") { parse_level++; } else if (firstword == "}") { if ((parse_level == 2) && (planes.size())) { // end-of-brush // for every face for (std::vector::iterator face = planes.begin(); face != planes.end(); face++) { make_brushface((*face)); } // clean planes for (std::vector::iterator it = planes.begin(); it != planes.end(); it++) { delete(*it); } planes.clear(); map_brushes++; value_current.clear(); } else if ((parse_level == 1)) { // end-of-class last_read_was_classend = true; } parse_level--; } else if (parse_level == 1) { if (firstword == "\"classname\"") { classname_current.clear(); if (linestream >> classname_current) { if (classname_current.size() > 2) { classname_current.erase(0,1); classname_current.erase(classname_current.size()-1, 1); last_read_was_classname = true; } else { classname_current.clear(); } } } else if ((firstword.size() > 2) && (firstword[0] == '\"') && (firstword[firstword.size()-1] == '\"')) { key_current.assign(firstword); key_current.erase(0,1); key_current.erase(key_current.size()-1, 1); value_current.clear(); char c; while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"')); while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"')) value_current += c; last_read_was_key = true; } } else if (parse_level == 2) { if (firstword == "(") { // brush plane Vector3f p1, p2, p3; std::string tmp; std::string texture; int n = 0; linestream >> p1; linestream >> tmp; // ) linestream >> tmp; // ( linestream >> p2; linestream >> tmp; // ) linestream >> tmp; // ( linestream >> p3; linestream >> tmp; // ) linestream >> texture; // 5 numbers (texture alignment?) for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) linestream >> tmp; // content flags ? if (!(linestream >> n)) n = 0; Plane *plane = new Plane(p1, p2, p3); aux::to_lowercase(texture); plane->texture() = texture; if (n > 0) plane->detail() = true; // surface flags if (!(linestream >> n)) n = 0; plane->surface_flags() = n; planes.push_back(plane); value_current.clear(); } } } } else { return false; } return true; } void Map::make_brushface(Plane *face) { using math::Vector3f; // ignore caulk if (face->texture() == "common/caulk") { return; } // FIXME clip should be parsed as collision blocks if (face->texture() == "common/clip") { return; } // statistics map_faces++; if (face->detail()) { map_faces_detail++; } // using suggestions from // http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Level_Editing.shtml // vertex list std::vector vl; // calculate initial vertices on the bounding box // check if the face is x-axis oriented if ((fabsf(face->normal().x) >= fabsf(face->normal().y)) && (fabsf(face->normal().x) >= fabsf(face->normal().z))) { if (face->normal().x > MIN_DELTA) { vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS)); } else { vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS)); } // calculate the x coordinate of each face vertex for (std::vector::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) { (*it)->x = (-face->d() - face->normal().z * (*it)->z - face->normal().y * (*it)->y) / face->normal().x; } } // check if the face is y-axis oriented else if ((fabsf(face->normal().y) >= fabsf(face->normal().x)) && (fabsf(face->normal().y) >= fabsf(face->normal().z))) { if (face->normal().y > MIN_DELTA) { vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS)); } else { vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS)); } // calculate the x coordinate of each face vertex for (std::vector::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) { (*it)->y = (-face->d() - face->normal().z * (*it)->z - face->normal().x * (*it)->x) / face->normal().y; } } // face must be z-axis oriented else { if (face->normal().z > MIN_DELTA) { vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); } else { vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0)); } // calculate the x coordinate of each face vertex for (std::vector::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) { (*it)->z = (-face->d() - face->normal().x * (*it)->x - face->normal().y * (*it)->y) / face->normal().z; } } // intersect the face with every plane for (std::vector::iterator pit = planes.begin(); pit != planes.end(); pit++) { Plane *plane = (*pit); if (plane == face) { continue; } Vector3f fn = crossproduct(face->point(1)-face->point(0), face->point(2)-face->point(0)); Vector3f pn = crossproduct(plane->point(1)-plane->point(0), plane->point(2)-plane->point(0)); Vector3f t = crossproduct(fn, pn); if ((t.x == 0) && (t.y == 0) && (t.z == 0)) { continue; } // intersect face with plane for (int i=0; vl.size() - i > 0; i++) { Vector3f v(*vl.at(i)); Vector3f next; if (vl.size() - i > 1) { next = *vl.at(i+1); } else { next = *vl.front(); } Vector3f prev; if (i > 0) { prev = *vl.at(i-1); } else { prev = *vl.back(); } if ((v.x*plane->normal().x + v.y*plane->normal().y + v.z*plane->normal().z +plane->d()) < MIN_DELTA) { // find current std::vector::iterator vit = vl.begin(); while ((*vit) != vl.at(i)) { vit++; } // check if prev - v intersects with plane if ((prev.x*plane->normal().x + prev.y*plane->normal().y + prev.z*plane->normal().z + plane->d()) > MIN_DELTA) { // calculate intersection float t1 = -plane->normal().x * prev.x - plane->normal().y * prev.y - plane->normal().z * prev.z -plane->d(); float t2 = (plane->normal().x * v.x - plane->normal().x * prev.x + plane->normal().y * v.y - plane->normal().y * prev.y + plane->normal().z * v.z - plane->normal().z * prev.z); Vector3f *s = new Vector3f; if (t2 == 0) { *s = v; } else { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) (*s)[j] = prev [j] + t1 * (v[j] - prev[j]) / t2; } vit = vl.insert(vit,s); vit++; i++; } // check if next - v intersects with plane if ((next.x*plane->normal().x + next.y*plane->normal().y + next.z*plane->normal().z + plane->d()) > MIN_DELTA) { // calculate intersection float t1 = -plane->normal().x * v.x - plane->normal().y * v.y - plane->normal().z * v.z -plane->d(); float t2 = (plane->normal().x * next.x - plane->normal().x * v.x + plane->normal().y * next.y - plane->normal().y * v.y + plane->normal().z * next.z - plane->normal().z * v.z); //cout << "next t2 " << t2 << std::endl; Vector3f *s = new Vector3f; if (t2 == 0) { *s = v; } else { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) (*s)[j] = v [j] + t1 * (next[j] - v[j]) / t2; } vit = vl.insert(vit,s); vit++; i++; } // erase delete *vit; vl.erase(vit); i--; } } } if (vl.size() > 2) { Material *material = Material::find("textures/" + face->texture()); if (!material) { material = new Material("textures/" + face->texture()); Material::add(material); material->set_flags(Material::Texture); material->set_texture(material->name()); } // find the list if primitives for the current material, allocate a new one if necessary Primitives *primitives = 0; Materials::iterator mit = map_materials.find(material); if (mit == map_materials.end()) { primitives = new Primitives(material); map_materials[material] = primitives; } else { primitives = (*mit).second; } // calculate bounding box for (std::vector::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) { *(*it) *= SCALE; for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (class_maxbbox[i] < (*(*it))[i]) class_maxbbox[i] = (*(*it))[i]; if (class_minbbox[i] > (*(*it))[i]) class_minbbox[i] = (*(*it))[i]; } } #ifndef HAVE_BULLET // Quads are disable to use model data for bullet physics // split polygon into quads while (vl.size() > 3) { std::vector::iterator v0 = vl.begin(); std::vector::reverse_iterator vn = vl.rbegin(); std::vector::reverse_iterator vn1 = vl.rbegin(); ++vn1; std::vector::reverse_iterator vn2 = vl.rbegin(); ++vn2; ++vn2; Vector3f n(face->normal()*-1); n.normalize(); primitives->add_quad(*(*vn2), *(*vn1), *(*vn), *(*v0), n, face->detail()); delete(*vn); delete(*vn1); vl.pop_back(); vl.pop_back(); } #endif // split polygon into triangles while (vl.size() > 2) { std::vector::iterator v0 = vl.begin(); std::vector::reverse_iterator vn = vl.rbegin(); std::vector::reverse_iterator vn1 = vl.rbegin(); ++vn1; Vector3f n(face->normal()*-1); n.normalize(); primitives->add_triangle(*(*vn1), *(*vn), *(*v0), n, face->detail()); delete(*vn); vl.pop_back(); } } else { con_debug << "Unresolved face!\n"; } // clean up the vertex list for (std::vector::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) { delete(*it); } vl.clear(); } bool Map::got_key_string(const char * keylabel, std::string & valuestring) { if (last_read_was_key && (key_current.compare(keylabel) == 0)) { valuestring.assign(value_current); return true; } else { return false; } } bool Map::got_key_vector3f(const char * keylabel, math::Vector3f & v) { if (last_read_was_key && (key_current.compare(keylabel) == 0)) { std::istringstream is(value_current); float x, y, z; if ((is >> x) && (is >> y) && (is >> z)) { v = math::Vector3f(x,y,z); } else { v= math::Vector3f(); } return true; } else { return false; } } bool Map::got_key_float(const char * keylabel, float & f) { if (last_read_was_key && (key_current.compare(keylabel) == 0)) { std::istringstream is(value_current); if (!(is >> f)) { f = 0; } return true; } else { return false; } } bool Map::got_key_int(const char * keylabel, unsigned int & u) { if (last_read_was_key && (key_current.compare(keylabel) == 0)) { std::istringstream is(value_current); if (!(is >> u)) { u = 0; } return true; } else { return false; } } bool Map::got_key(const char * keylabel) { return (last_read_was_key && (key_current.compare(keylabel) == 0)); } bool Map::got_key_angle(const char * keylabel, float & f) { if (last_read_was_key && (key_current.compare(keylabel) == 0)) { std::istringstream is(value_current); if ((is >> f)) { f = math::degrees360f(f); } else { f = 0; } return true; } else { return false; } } bool Map::got_key_color(const char * keylabel, math::Color & color) { if (last_read_was_key && (key_current.compare(keylabel) == 0)) { std::istringstream is(value_current); float r, g, b; if ((is >> r) && (is >> g) && (is >> b)) { if ((r > 1) || (g > 1) || (b > 1)) { r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255; } color = math::Color(r, g, b); } else { color = math::Color(); } return true; } else { return false; } } void Map::close() { mapfile_ifs.close(); } void Map::clear_bbox() { for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) { class_minbbox[i] = MAX_BOUNDS; class_maxbbox[i] = -MAX_BOUNDS; } class_axis.clear(); class_speed = 0; } void Map::load_worldspawn(Model *model) { if (!map_materials.size()) return; // FIXME center in maps without brushes map_center = (class_minbbox + class_maxbbox) / 2.0f; model->model_minbbox = class_minbbox - map_center; model->model_maxbbox = class_maxbbox - map_center; model->model_radius = model->model_maxbbox.length(); load_fragmentgroup(model, FragmentGroup::None); } void Map::load_fragmentgroup(Model *model, const FragmentGroup::Type class_type) { if (!VertexArray::instance() || VertexArray::instance()->overflow()) return; if (!map_materials.size()) return; if (class_type == FragmentGroup::Rotate) { if (class_speed == 0) { // default rotation speed 45 degrees per second class_speed = 45.0f; } } FragmentGroup *group = new FragmentGroup(); group->set_type(class_type); group->set_location((class_minbbox + class_maxbbox) / 2.0f - map_center); group->set_axis(class_axis); group->set_speed(class_speed); for (Materials::iterator mit = map_materials.begin(); mit != map_materials.end(); mit++) { // split the Primitives with this material into fragments Primitives *primitives = (*mit).second; // store triangles if (primitives->triangles().size()) { Fragment *fragment = new Fragment(Fragment::Triangles, primitives->material()); // add structural triangles to the fragment for (Primitives::Triangles::iterator tris_it = primitives->triangles().begin(); tris_it != primitives->triangles().end(); tris_it++) { Triangle *triangle = (*tris_it); if (!triangle->detail()) { size_t count = 0; count += fragment->add_vertex(triangle->v0()-map_center, triangle->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(triangle->v1()-map_center, triangle->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(triangle->v2()-map_center, triangle->normal(), false); if (count == 3) model->model_tris_count++; } } // add detail triangles to the fragment for (Primitives::Triangles::iterator tris_it = primitives->triangles().begin(); tris_it != primitives->triangles().end(); tris_it++) { Triangle *triangle = (*tris_it); if (triangle->detail()) { size_t count = 0; count += fragment->add_vertex(triangle->v0()-map_center, triangle->normal(), true); count += fragment->add_vertex(triangle->v1()-map_center, triangle->normal(), true); count += fragment->add_vertex(triangle->v2()-map_center, triangle->normal(), true); if (count == 3) { model->model_tris_count++; model->model_tris_detail_count++; } } } // add the fragment to the group group->push_back(fragment); } // store quads if (primitives->quads().size()) { Fragment *fragment = new Fragment(Fragment::Quads, primitives->material()); // add structural triangles to the fragment for (Primitives::Quads::iterator quad_it = primitives->quads().begin(); quad_it != primitives->quads().end(); quad_it++) { Quad *quad = (*quad_it); if (!quad->detail()) { size_t count = 0; count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v0()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v1()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v2()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v3()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); if (count == 4) model->model_quad_count++; } } // add detail triangles to the fragment for (Primitives::Quads::iterator quad_it = primitives->quads().begin(); quad_it != primitives->quads().end(); quad_it++) { Quad *quad = (*quad_it); if (quad->detail()) { size_t count = 0; count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v0()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v1()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v2()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); count += fragment->add_vertex(quad->v3()-map_center, quad->normal(), false); if (count == 4) { model->model_quad_count++; model->model_quad_detail_count++; } } } // add the fragment to the group group->push_back(fragment); } } // add the group to the model model->add_group(group); } void Map::unknown_value() const { con_warn << name() << " unknown value '" << value() << "' for '" << classname() << ":" << key() << "' at line " << line() << std::endl; } void Map::unknown_key() const { con_warn << name() << " unknown key '" << classname() << ":" << key() << "' at line " << line() << std::endl; } void Map::unknown_class() const { con_warn << name() << " unknown class '" << classname() << "' at line " << line() << std::endl; } Model * Map::load(std::string const &name) { // open the .map file Map mapfile; if (!mapfile.open(name)) { return 0; } Model *model = new Model(name); mapfile.clear_bbox(); Dock *dock = 0; Particles *particles = 0; Flare *flare = 0; Light *light = 0; unsigned int u; float angle; float r; std::string str; while (mapfile.getline()) { if (mapfile.got_classname("worldspawn")) { mapfile.clear_bbox(); } else if (mapfile.got_classend("worldspawn")) { mapfile.load_worldspawn(model); mapfile.clear_materials(); } else if (mapfile.in_class("worldspawn")) { // worldspawn attributes if (mapfile.got_key("name")) { con_debug << " model name '" << name << "'" << std::endl; } else if (mapfile.got_key_int("enginesound", u)) { model->model_enginesound = u; continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_int("impulsesound", u)) { model->model_impulsesound = u; continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_color("enginecolor", model->model_enginecolor)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key()) { mapfile.unknown_key(); } } else if (mapfile.got_classname("func_door")) { mapfile.clear_bbox(); } else if (mapfile.got_classend("func_door")) { mapfile.load_fragmentgroup(model, FragmentGroup::Door); mapfile.clear_materials(); } else if (mapfile.in_class("func_door")) { } else if (mapfile.got_classname("func_group")) { mapfile.clear_bbox(); } else if (mapfile.got_classend("func_group")) { mapfile.load_fragmentgroup(model, FragmentGroup::None); mapfile.clear_materials(); } else if (mapfile.got_classname("func_rotate")) { mapfile.clear_bbox(); } else if (mapfile.got_classend("func_rotate")) { mapfile.load_fragmentgroup(model, FragmentGroup::Rotate); mapfile.clear_materials(); } else if (mapfile.in_class("func_rotate")) { if (mapfile.got_key_float("angle", angle)) { if (angle == ANGLEUP) { mapfile.class_axis.change_pitch(90.0f); } else if (angle == ANGLEDOWN) { mapfile.class_axis.change_pitch(-90.0f); } else { mapfile.class_axis.change_direction(angle); } } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("direction", angle)) { mapfile.class_axis.change_direction(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("pitch", angle)) { mapfile.class_axis.change_pitch(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("roll", angle)) { mapfile.class_axis.change_roll(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("speed", mapfile.class_speed)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key()) { mapfile.unknown_key(); } } else if (mapfile.got_classend()) { mapfile.clear_materials(); } else if (mapfile.got_classname("light")) { // new light light = new Light(); model->add_light(light); } else if (mapfile.classname().compare("light") == 0) { // light attributes if (mapfile.got_key_vector3f("origin", light->light_location)) { light->light_location *= SCALE; continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_color("_color", light->light_color)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_int("spawnflags", u)) { light->light_strobe = spawnflag_isset(u, 1); light->light_entity = spawnflag_isset(u, 2); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("light", light->light_radius)) { light->light_radius *= LIGHTSCALE; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("radius", light->light_radius)) { light->light_radius *= LIGHTSCALE; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("frequency", light->light_frequency)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("offset", light->light_offset)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("time", light->light_time)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_int("flare", light->light_flare)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key()) { mapfile.unknown_key(); } } else if (mapfile.got_classname("location_dock")) { // new docking location dock = new Dock(); model->add_dock(dock); } else if (mapfile.classname().compare("location_dock") == 0) { // dock attributes if (mapfile.got_key_vector3f("origin", dock->dock_location)) { dock->dock_location *= SCALE; continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("radius", dock->dock_radius)) { dock->dock_radius *= SCALE; continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key("angle")) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key()) { mapfile.unknown_key(); } } else if (mapfile.got_classname("location_cannon")) { // new cannon } else if (mapfile.classname().compare("location_cannon") == 0) { } else if (mapfile.got_classname("location_turret")) { // new turret } else if (mapfile.classname().compare("location_turret") == 0) { } else if (mapfile.got_classname("location_cockpit")) { // cockpit location } else if (mapfile.classname().compare("location_cockpit") == 0) { } else if (mapfile.got_classname("fx_flare")) { // new flare flare = new Flare(); model->add_flare(flare); } else if (mapfile.classname().compare("fx_flare") == 0) { // flare attributes if (mapfile.got_key_vector3f("origin", flare->light_location)) { flare->light_location *= SCALE; continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_color("_color", flare->light_color)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_int("spawnflags", u)) { flare->light_strobe = spawnflag_isset(u, 1); flare->light_entity = spawnflag_isset(u, 2); flare->flare_engine = spawnflag_isset(u, 4); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("radius", flare->light_radius)) { flare->light_radius *= LIGHTSCALE; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("frequency", flare->light_frequency)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("offset", flare->light_offset)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("time", flare->light_time)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_int("flare", flare->light_flare)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("angle", angle)) { if (angle == ANGLEUP) { flare->flare_axis.change_pitch(90.0f); } else if (angle == ANGLEDOWN) { flare->flare_axis.change_pitch(-90.0f); } else { flare->flare_axis.change_direction(angle); } } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("direction", angle)) { flare->flare_axis.change_direction(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("pitch", angle)) { flare->flare_axis.change_pitch(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("roll", angle)) { flare->flare_axis.change_roll(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_string("cull", str)) { aux::to_lowercase(str); if (str.compare("none") == 0) { flare->flare_cull = CullNone; } else if (str.compare("back") == 0) { flare->flare_cull = CullBack; } else if (str.compare("front") == 0) { flare->flare_cull = CullFront; } else { mapfile.unknown_value(); } } else if (mapfile.got_key()) { mapfile.unknown_key(); } } else if (mapfile.got_classname("fx_particles")) { // new particle system particles = new Particles(); model->add_particles(particles); } else if (mapfile.classname().compare("fx_particles") == 0) { // particle system attributes if (mapfile.got_key_vector3f("origin", particles->particles_location)) { particles->particles_location *= SCALE; continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_string("script", particles->particles_script)) { continue; } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("angle", angle)) { if (angle == ANGLEUP) { particles->particles_axis.change_pitch(90.0f); } else if (angle == ANGLEDOWN) { particles->particles_axis.change_pitch(-90.0f); } else { particles->particles_axis.change_direction(angle); } } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("direction", angle)) { particles->particles_axis.change_direction(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("pitch", angle)) { particles->particles_axis.change_pitch(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("roll", angle)) { particles->particles_axis.change_roll(angle); } else if (mapfile.got_key_int("spawnflags", u)) { particles->particles_entity = spawnflag_isset(u, 2); particles->particles_engine = spawnflag_isset(u, 4); } else if (mapfile.got_key_float("radius", r)) { particles->set_radius(r * LIGHTSCALE); } else if (mapfile.got_key_string("cull", str)) { aux::to_lowercase(str); if (str.compare("none") == 0) { particles->particles_cull = CullNone; } else if (str.compare("back") == 0) { particles->particles_cull = CullBack; } else if (str.compare("front") == 0) { particles->particles_cull = CullFront; } else { mapfile.unknown_value(); } } else if (mapfile.got_key()) { mapfile.unknown_key(); } } else if (mapfile.got_classname()) { mapfile.unknown_class(); } } mapfile.close(); // reposition docks, lights, flares and particles according to the model center for (Model::Lights::iterator lit = model->lights().begin(); lit != model->lights().end(); lit++) { (*lit)->light_location -= mapfile.map_center; } for (Model::Flares::iterator flit = model->flares().begin(); flit != model->flares().end(); flit++) { (*flit)->light_location -= mapfile.map_center; } for (Model::ParticleSystems::iterator pit = model->particles().begin(); pit != model->particles().end(); pit++) { (*pit)->particles_location -= mapfile.map_center; } for (Model::Docks::iterator dit = model->docks().begin(); dit != model->docks().end(); dit++) { (*dit)->dock_location -= mapfile.map_center; } con_debug << " " << mapfile.name() << " " << mapfile.map_brushes << " brushes " << mapfile.map_faces << "/" << mapfile.map_faces_detail << " faces/detail " << std::endl; return model; } }