   This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under
   the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2


#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "model/model.h"
#include "model/plane.h"
#include "model/triangle.h"

namespace model {

/// class to parse .map files
class MapFile {


	/// open the file for reading
	/** the filename will get the "maps/" prefix and ".map" suffix
	bool open(std::string const & name);

	/// parse one line, returns false on end-of-file
	bool getline();

	/// current classname
	inline std::string classname() const {
		return classname_current;

	/// current key
	inline std::string key() const {
		return key_current;

	/// current value
	inline std::string value() const {
		return value_current;

	/// true if the last read line contained a new classname
	bool got_classname() const;

	/// true if the last read line contained a new classname
	bool got_classname(const char*) const;

	/// true if the last read statement was a key=value pair
	inline bool got_key() const {
		return last_read_was_key;

	bool got_key(const char * keylabel);

	/// check if the last read key=value pair matches keylabel and store the value in valuestring
	bool got_key_string(const char * keylabel, std::string & valuestring);

	/// check if the last read key=value pair matches keylabel and store the value in color
	bool got_key_color(const char * keylabel, math::Color & color);

	/// check if the last read key=value pair matches keylabel and store the value in f
	bool got_key_float(const char * keylabel, float & f);

	/// check if the last read key=value pair matches keylabel and store the value in f
	bool got_key_int(const char * keylabel, unsigned int & u);

	/// check if the last read key=value pair matches keylabel and store the value in valuestring
	bool got_key_angle(const char * keylabel, float & f);

	bool got_key_vector3f(const char * keylabel, math::Vector3f & v);

	/// return the number of lines read so far
	inline unsigned int line() const {
		return line_number;

	/// return true of the ini file is open for reading
	inline bool is_open() { return mapfile_ifs.is_open(); }

	/// current filename
	inline std::string const & name() const {return mapfile_name; }

	/// close the file
	void close();

	/// tmp lists with triangles
	std::list<Triangle *>	class_tris;

	/// tmp lists with entity color triangles
	std::list<Triangle *>	class_etris;

	math::Vector3f		class_maxbbox;

	math::Vector3f		class_minbbox;

	unsigned int		brushes;

	/// generate triangles for one plane in the plane list
	void make_brushface(Plane *face);

	/// list of planes for the current brush
	std::vector<Plane *>	planes;

	std::string 		classname_current;
	std::string 		key_current;
	std::string 		value_current;

	bool 			last_read_was_key;
	bool 			last_read_was_classname;

	unsigned int		parse_level;
	unsigned int 		line_number;
	std::ifstream 		mapfile_ifs;
	std::string 		mapfile_name;	
