/* render/particleejectorscript.h This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #ifndef __INCLUDED_RENDER_PARTICLEEJECTORSCRIPT_H__ #define __INCLUDED_RENDER_PARTICLEEJECTORSCRIPT_H__ #include "math/axis.h" #include "math/color.h" #include "math/vector3f.h" #include "model/model.h" namespace render { class ParticleEjectorScript { public: /** * @brief definition for type of ejector * */ enum Type {Jet = 0, Trail = 1, Flame = 2, Spray = 3, Flare = 4 }; ParticleEjectorScript(); ParticleEjectorScript(const ParticleEjectorScript & other); ~ParticleEjectorScript(); /* ---- inspectors ----------------------------------------- */ /** * @brief the tytpe of ejector * */ inline const Type type() const { return script_type; } /** * @brief ejector axis relative to the particle system * */ inline const math::Axis &axis() const { return script_axis; } /** * @brief true of the ejector reacts on thrust * */ inline bool thrust() const { return script_thrust; } inline const unsigned int interval() const { return script_interval; } /** * @brief angle of the cone through which to randomly spread ejected particles * */ inline const float cone() const { return script_cone; } /** * @brief offset defines the interpolation midpoint for alpha and radius ranges, default 0.5f * */ inline float offset() const { return script_offset; } /** * @brief lifespan of ejected particles, in milliseconds * */ inline unsigned long lifespan() const { return script_lifespan; } /** * @brief true if engine color is to be applied to ejected particles * */ inline bool engine() const { return script_engine; } /** * @brief true if entity primary color is to be applied to ejected particles * */ inline bool entity() const { return script_entity; } /** * @brief true if entity secondary color is to be applied to ejected particles * */ inline bool entity_second() const { return script_entity_second; } /** * @brief name of the texture used to render ejected particles * */ inline const std::string &texture() const { return script_texture; } inline const model::Cull cull() const { return script_cull; } /** * @brief color used to render ejected particles * */ inline const math::Color &color() const { return script_color; } /** * @brief radius vector for ejected particles, start, middle, end * The radius is interpolated depending on the age and lifespan of the particle * */ inline const math::Vector3f &radius_vec() const { return script_radius_vec; } /** * @brief alpha vector for ejected particles, start, middle, end * The alpha value is interpolated depending on the age and lifespan of the particle * */ inline const math::Vector3f & alpha_vec() const { return script_alpha_vec; } /** * @brief speed of ejected particles, in gameunits per second * */ inline const float speed() const { return script_speed; } /** * @brief spawn radius * radius within wich particles are spawn * */ inline const float spawn_radius() const { return script_spawn_radius; } /* ---- mutators ------------------------------------------- */ /** * @brief return a reference to the ejector axis * */ inline math::Axis &get_axis() { return script_axis; } /** * @brief return a reference to the radius vector * */ inline math::Vector3f &get_radius_vec() { return script_radius_vec; } /** * @brief return a reference to the alpha vector * */ inline math::Vector3f &get_alpha_vec() { return script_alpha_vec; } /** * @brief return a reference to particle color * */ inline math::Color &get_color() { return script_color; } /** * @brief set the ejector type * */ inline void set_type(const Type type) { script_type = type; } /** * @brief set the radius within which particles are spawned * */ void set_spawn_radius(const float spawn_radius) { script_spawn_radius = spawn_radius; } /** * @brief set the speed of ejected particles, in gameunits per second * */ inline void set_speed(const float speed) { script_speed = speed; } /** * @brief set ejector cone, in degrees * */ inline void set_cone(const float cone) { script_cone = cone; } /** * @brief set ejector interval, in milliseconds * */ inline void set_interval(const unsigned long interval) { script_interval = interval; } /** * @brief set particle lifespan, in milliseconds * */ inline void set_lifespan(const unsigned long lifespan) { script_lifespan = lifespan; } /** * @brief set polygon cull rule * */ inline void set_cull(const model::Cull cull) { script_cull = cull; } /** * @brief set texture name * */ inline void set_texture(const std::string &texture) { script_texture.assign(texture); } /** * @brief temporal interpolation midpoint, default 0.5f * */ inline void set_offset(const float offset) { script_offset = offset; } /** * @brief set the radius vector * */ inline void set_radius_vec(const math::Vector3f radius_vec) { script_radius_vec.assign(radius_vec); } /** * @brief set the alpha vector * */ inline void set_alpha_vec(const math::Vector3f alpha_vec) { script_alpha_vec.assign(alpha_vec); } /** * @brief set particle entity primary color * */ inline void set_entity(const bool use_color_entity) { script_entity = use_color_entity; } /** * @brief set particle entity secondary color * */ inline void set_entity_second(const bool use_color_entity_second) { script_entity_second = use_color_entity_second; } /** * @brief set particle engine color * */ inline void set_engine(const bool use_color_engine) { script_engine = use_color_engine; } /** * @brief make ejector react on thruster setting * */ inline void set_thrust(const bool use_thrust) { script_thrust = use_thrust; } /** * @brief set the particle color * */ inline void set_color(const math::Color &color) { script_color.assign(color); } private: /// type of ejector Type script_type; /// ejector axis, relative to the particle system axis math::Axis script_axis; /// interval between to ejects, in milliseconds unsigned long script_interval; /// lifespan of a particle, in milliseconds unsigned long script_lifespan; /// ejector cone, in default 360 degrees float script_cone; /// offset defines the 'middle' point for radius and alpha, range 0.0f-1.0f, default 0.5f. float script_offset; /// particle alpha vector: 0.0 - middle - 1.0 math::Vector3f script_alpha_vec; /// particle radius vector: 0.0 - middle - 1.0 math::Vector3f script_radius_vec; /// speed of ejected particles, in gameunits per second float script_speed; /// spawn radius float script_spawn_radius; /// color of ejected particles math::Color script_color; /// particles have entity primary color bool script_entity; /// particles have entity secondary color bool script_entity_second; /// particles jave engine color bool script_engine; /// ejector reacts on engine thrust bool script_thrust; /// texture to render particles with std::string script_texture; /// texture cull model::Cull script_cull; }; } // namespace render #endif // __INCLUDED_RENDER_PARTICLEEJECTORSCRIPT_H__