/* ui/menu.cc This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 */ #include "ui/label.h" #include "ui/button.h" #include "ui/menu.h" #include "ui/ui.h" namespace ui { const float element_width = 256.0f; const float element_height = 64.0f; const float element_margin = 24.0f; Menu::Menu(Window *parent, const char *label) : Window(parent), menu_container(this) { set_label(label); set_border(false); menu_container.set_label("container"); } Menu::~Menu() { } void Menu::add_label(char const * text) { new Label(&menu_container, text); } void Menu::add_button(char const *text, char const *command) { new Button(&menu_container, text, command); } void Menu::resize() { set_size(parent()->size().x, parent()->size().y); float n = (float) menu_container.children().size(); menu_container.set_size(2.0f * element_width, n * (element_height + element_margin) + element_height); menu_container.set_location(element_margin, (height() - menu_container.height()) / 2.0f); // reposition all children within the container size_t i = 0; for (Children::iterator it = menu_container.children().begin(); it != menu_container.children().end(); it++) { Widget *w = (*it); w->set_size(element_width, element_height); w->set_location(element_width * 0.5f, element_height * 0.5f + i * (element_height + element_margin)); i++; } } }