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IRC channel changes network
2021-05-27 by Ingar 2020-05-13 by StalKermit 2020-05-03 by Ingar 2018-12-15 by Ingar 2018-12-14 by Thorn 2018-12-13 by Ingar
4 Guests, 0 Users
IRC channel changes network
Most of you probably heard about the commotion surrounding the Freenode IRC network. As a result, the IRC channel has moved to the network.
Join us there! Website updates
The website received a number of updates: the wiki finally got a much needed theme update and the installation instructions were updated to reflect the current state of affairs. There is also a new Project::OSiRiON logo which is an improvement over the original.
Git browser
The git repository browser is now online at
The clone URL is the same as the web URL, for example git clone Awakening from hibernation
The server has been moved to a new host and the forum, the wiki and the tracker software have all been updated to the latest and greatest versions. Unfortunately, this has left our custom themes in a broken state
and they will have to be rebuild from scratch. There is no gitlab instance any more, as it is overkill for a small site like this. In the future, we'll rely on a simple git server instead. SMF updated to version 1.1.21
I patched the Simple Machines forum to the latest version in the 1.1.x branch,
hoping this will stop the flood of new spambots we've seen last month. Release 0.2.8
Project::OSiRiON 0.2.8 is a minor update with new settings menus as highlight.
Release 0.2.7
This is the first release based on the source in the git repository. For obvious reasons,
there is no longer an SVN revision in the version number. The game data is now included in each package, so you no longer need to download two files. Migrating to git
We're in the process of migrating the source code and game data repositories from subversion to git. The GitLab application is located at
Update: all repositories have been converted and the website menu now has a link to the GitLab application. |