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AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-04-16Added dagon tyrant model.Evan Goers
Fixed various other models.
2012-12-01Fixed oldlancer/lancer cannons.Evan Goers
Actually added the gorgon(oops).
2012-10-30Updated tsukhan_glow effect, added gorgon to flyable ships.Evan Goers
2012-10-13Details for Jormungandr.Evan Goers
2012-05-12Various minor fixes.Evan Goers
2012-05-10Forgot a small bit on the back wing of the chimera.Evan Goers
2012-05-10Fix jormungandr and chimera windows now that the texture is different.Evan Goers
2012-05-10Fixed ambient colors on ghant and tsu-khan intros.Evan Goers
2012-05-03Collision models for dagon sections.Evan Goers
New asteroid models.
2012-05-02Raptor collision model and engine effects.Evan Goers
2012-04-30Added dagon 'raptor' heavy fighter.Evan Goers
2012-04-19Detailing for jormungandr.Evan Goers
2012-04-18New 'jormungandr' freight cruiser.Evan Goers
2012-02-23Better bridge for chimera.Evan Goers
2012-02-23Details, blinkenlights for chimera.Evan Goers
2012-02-20Detailed chimera.Evan Goers
Removed generic_env2 from basic entity colors.
2012-02-13New dagon "chimera" battleship.Evan Goers
2012-02-09Forgot the leo engine.Evan Goers
2012-02-08Enter the Dagon.Evan Goers