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AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-01-21Gave current decals nicer qer_editorimages.Evan Goers
Added missing supertanker_rib*.
2012-01-13Merged engine_trail and engine_exhaust.Evan Goers
2011-11-01Detailing all around.Evan Goers
2011-10-23Changed tsukhan glow effect to a new material instead of colors/purple_bright.Evan Goers
Made drake engines the correct tsukhan engine color; less pretty pink ponies all around.
2011-09-26New ship: drake.Evan Goers
Updated many tsukhan ships to new design scheme.
2011-08-23ships.ini: tweaked imp roll speed.Evan Goers detailed further. added gun locations. detailed front. gatling.png: new 'gun hide' texture for use when the gun model is not intended to be shown.
2011-01-04CModels and detailing.Evan Goers converted big engines to patch meshes.Evan Goers cleaned up overlapping patch meshes. converted some structures to patch meshes. got rid of old patch meshes. corrected some missing surfaces. changed cockpit to patch mesh version. got rid of old patch meshes.
2010-11-18Modified some particle scripts to have multiple emitters..Evan Goers
All ship models corrected for recent svn changes regarding rotations. Created brushwork out of most patch meshes to complete model. Added more structure to the model, still work in progress. Completely rebuilt cockpit. Increased width of the overall ship.
2010-11-13Updated Enforcer model.Evan Goers
Wrote some info for the Enforcer. Wrote some technical details for various ships. Changed scales for cruiser, battleship, and capital. Changed some effects on the longbow engine. Gave the P.O.D. a player color engine trail. Gave the Imp and Juggernaut a few more engine effects.
2010-09-21Completely re-designed the Imp scout fighter.Evan Goers
New envmap textures. Tweaked corona texture.
2009-08-18Updated a bunch of ships for envmaps.Evan Goers
2009-08-15Renamed Tsu-Khan ships to more proper names.Evan Goers