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Diffstat (limited to 'src/game/base/')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/src/game/base/ b/src/game/base/
index 1c68d11..fc87403 100644
--- a/src/game/base/
+++ b/src/game/base/
@@ -1721,6 +1721,19 @@ void Game::player_disconnect(core::Player *player)
+// load singleplayer savegame
+void Game::game_load(core::Player *player, filesystem::IniFile & inifile)
+ if (player->control())
+ return;
+ if (!core::server()->mode() == core::GameServer::SinglePlayer) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SaveGame::load_game(player, inifile);
void Game::player_load(core::Player *player)
if (!player->guid().is_valid()) {
@@ -1730,226 +1743,45 @@ void Game::player_load(core::Player *player)
if (player->control())
- if (core::server()->mode() == core::GameServer::MultiPlayer) {
- std::string guid(player->guid().str());
- std::string directory(guid.substr(0,4));
- std::string filename;
- filename.append("players");
- filename += '/';
- filename.append(directory);
- filename += '/';
- filename.append(guid);
- filesystem::IniFile inifile;
- if (!inifile.is_open()) {
- return;
- }
- con_debug << "player " << player->id() << ": " << "loading data" << std::endl;
- Ship *ship = 0;
- long l;
- bool b;
- std::string str;
- math::Vector3f v;
- math::Vector3f location;
- math::Axis axis;
- bool ship_is_docked = false;
- core::Zone *zone = 0;
- core::Item *item = 0;
- std::string itemtype;
- std::string itemlabel;
- while (inifile.getline()) {
- if (inifile.got_section()) {
- if (inifile.got_section("player")) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_section("ship")) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_section("item")) {
- if (ship) {
- item = 0;
- itemtype.clear();
- itemlabel.clear();
- }
- continue;
- } else {
- inifile.unknown_section();
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key()) {
- if (inifile.in_section("player")) {
- if (inifile.got_key_long("credits", l)) {
- player->set_credits(l);
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_string("name", str)) {
- continue;
- } else {
- inifile.unknown_key();
- }
- } else if (inifile.in_section("ship")) {
- if (inifile.got_key_label("model", str)) {
- if (ship) {
- continue;
- }
- ShipModel *shipmodel = ShipModel::find(str);
- if (!shipmodel) {
- continue;
- }
- ship = new Ship(player, shipmodel);
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_label("zone", str)) {
- zone = core::Zone::find(str);
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_vector3f("location", location)) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_vector3f("forward", axis[0])) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_vector3f("left", axis[1])) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_vector3f("up", axis[2])) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_bool("docked", ship_is_docked)) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_string("spawn", str)) {
- if (str.size() < 3) {
- inifile.unknown_error("spawn with invalid label '" + str + "'");
- continue;
- }
- size_t pos = str.find(':');
- if ((pos == std::string::npos) || (pos < 1) || (pos >= (str.size() - 1))) {
- inifile.unknown_error("spawn with invalid label '" + str + "'");
- continue;
- }
- std::string zonelabel(str.substr(0, pos));
- std::string entitylabel(str.substr(pos + 1, str.size() - pos));
- aux::to_label(zonelabel);
- aux::to_label(entitylabel);
- core::Zone *spawn_zone = core::Zone::find(zonelabel);
- if (!spawn_zone) {
- inifile.unknown_error("spawn with invalid zone'" + zonelabel + "'");
- continue;
- }
- core::Entity *spawn_entity = spawn_zone->find_entity(entitylabel);
- if (!spawn_entity) {
- inifile.unknown_error("spawn with invalid entity'" + str + "'");
- continue;
- }
- if (!spawn_entity->flag_is_set(core::Entity::Dockable)) {
- inifile.unknown_error("spawn '" + str + "' is not dockable");
- continue;
- }
- if (ship) {
- ship->set_spawn(spawn_entity);
- }
- } else {
- inifile.unknown_key();
- }
- } else if (inifile.in_section("item")) {
- if (inifile.got_key_label("type", itemtype)) {
- continue;
- } else if (inifile.got_key_label("label", itemlabel)) {
- if (!item && ship) {
- core::InfoType *item_infotype = core::InfoType::find(itemtype);
- if (!itemtype.size() || !item_infotype) {
- inifile.unknown_error("invalid item type '" + itemtype +"'");
- continue;
- }
- core::Info *item_info = core::Info::find(item_infotype, itemlabel);
- if (!itemlabel.size() || !item_info) {
- inifile.unknown_error("invalid item label '" + itemlabel +"'");
- continue;
- }
- item = new core::Item(item_info);
- ship->inventory()->add(item);
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key_long("amount", l)) {
- if (item) {
- item->set_amount(l);
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key_long("price", l)) {
- if (item) {
- item->set_price(l);
- }
- } else if (inifile.got_key_bool("tradeable", b)) {
- if (item) {
- if (b) {
- item->set_flag(core::Item::Tradeable);
- } else {
- item->unset_flag(core::Item::Tradeable);
- }
- }
- } else {
- inifile.unknown_key();
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!core::server()->mode() == core::GameServer::MultiPlayer) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string guid(player->guid().str());
+ std::string directory(guid.substr(0,4));
+ std::string filename;
+ filename.append("players");
+ filename += '/';
+ filename.append(directory);
+ filename += '/';
+ filename.append(guid);
- inifile.close();
- if (ship) {
- ship->inventory()->recalculate();
- ship->inventory()->set_dirty();
- if (!zone) {
- zone = Default::zone;
- }
- if (!ship->spawn()) {
- ship->set_spawn(Default::view);
- }
+ filesystem::IniFile inifile;
+ if (!inifile.is_open()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ con_debug << "player " << player->id() << ": " << "loading data" << std::endl;
+ SaveGame::load_game(player, inifile);
+ inifile.close();
- if (ship_is_docked) {
- ship->set_zone(ship->spawn()->zone());
- ship->set_dock(ship->spawn());
- player->set_control(ship);
- player->set_view(ship->spawn());
- } else {
- ship->set_location(location);
- ship->set_axis(axis);
- ship->set_state(core::Entity::Normal);
- ship->set_zone(zone);
- ship->reset();
+void Game::game_save(core::Player *player, std::ostream & os)
+ if ((!player->control()) || (player->control()->moduletype() != ship_enttype)) {
+ return;
+ }
- player->set_control(ship);
- }
- }
+ if (core::server()->mode() == core::GameServer::SinglePlayer) {
+ // save player data
+ SaveGame::player_to_stream(player, os);
void Game::player_save(core::Player *player)
if (!player->guid().is_valid()) {
@@ -1997,15 +1829,6 @@ void Game::player_save(core::Player *player)
// save player data
SaveGame::player_to_stream(player, ofs);
- // save ship
- // TODO iterate assets and save all ships
- if (player->control()) {
- SaveGame::ship_to_stream(static_cast<Ship *>(player->control()), ofs);
- assert(player->control()->inventory());
- SaveGame::inventory_to_stream(player->control()->inventory(), ofs);
- }
// close output stream