Project::OSiRiON - Git repositories
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AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-11-03Added initial support for NPC patrol routes,Stijn Buys
added support for lawfull/unlawfull factions.
2011-05-11Review of the main loop timer, converted timers from float to unsigned long,Stijn Buys
corrected a number of timing bugs, improved client framerate stability.
2010-11-13added jumppoint and jumpgate templates, corrected a number of potentionalStijn Buys
radius related bugs
2010-10-20docking functions cleanup, jumpgates work againStijn Buys
2009-08-18astyle cleanup, corrects not loading of material texturesStijn Buys
2008-12-28generic docking API,Stijn Buys
race activating requires docking
2008-11-10adds jumpgate, station, ship dealerStijn Buys
2008-11-09working jumpgatesStijn Buys
2008-09-28move base game module to new subdirectoryStijn Buys