- Status New
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Planned Feature
- Category src
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version 0.5.0-alpha
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
FS#105 - Admin commands
Implement administrative commands. Players should be able to receive
and 'admin level' enabling them to execute special administrative commands.
Those commands should still be available to the console.
The admin level is unrelated to the in-game player level.
- Implement a core::Player admin level property
- Implement admin command functions (core::Func)
- Implement admin.ini to define admin levels and the commands they have access to
- Add admin commands to handle player admin levels
- Turn existing core administrative commands (kick, mute, ...) into admin commands
- Change existing cheats (give, goto, ..) into admin commands,
have them take a player name as argument (e.g. give ingar credits 1000)
- Combine the 'jump' and 'goto' cheats into a 'teleport' command,
make it work while docked, support teleporting players accross zones
- Add 'nudge' admin command.